Chapter 18 - Rachel Dare

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 Hi guys :)

I have dedicated this chapter it LeniBlastRiver2777 because she is awsome :)

anyway bon apetite :) it or hate it


I was riding in front of Leo, but I was going slowly. I was bending the corner when I saw Percy, Annabeth, and Chiron; they were moving a car away from the road. The look on Percy’s face told me that he was almost crazed. ‘’All right. I’ll see you later’’ Leo said from behind me,

he pulled over and I nodded and shouted ‘’ok’’.

I eventually pulled over when I was by my brother. ‘’What wrong?’’ I asked as I climbed off my ride. I made the motor bike lean onto the wall. That’s when I saw the passengers in the car. ‘’Is that your...?’’ I started

and Percy nodded and said ‘’I forgot all about them, mum must have tried to find me’’. His voice was thick with guilt and shame.

‘’Well, it’s a good thing that you are trying to move them. Now we have to get back to work’’ I said.

‘’We’ll put the car in neutral. Push them out of the way’’ Percy said.

I nodded and added ‘’and take that jar to Olympus’’.

Chiron started ‘’a good plan...’’, the old centaur paused as an odd drumbeat sounded in the distance. What the heck? I looked up to find a helicopter, which was painted dark red, with the letters ‘DE’, which was a bright green. I turned my gaze back to Earth.

I knew that Percy and Annabeth know something about this. Percy looked slightly disorientated while Annabeth flashed red. Ok now I’m confused. ‘’What is she doing here? How did she get through the barrier?’’, Annabeth demanded with a little venom on the ‘she’.

‘’Who’s that?’’ I asked while raising my eyebrows.

‘’Who? What mortal would be insane enough-‘’ Chiron said puzzled.

Suddenly the helicopter pitched forward and I gasped ‘’the enchantment! The stupid pilot is asleep!’’ I screamed. We stared at it with dread as it was flying out of control, it could crash into a building or if it came anywhere close to the Empire State Building...the wind gods would swat it away. I saw a red haired girl inside the copter and she looked frightened like hell.

Then Annabeth whistled and a pegasus popped out from somewhere. ‘’You rang for a handsome horse?’’ it asked, I sucked in a breath as the out of control helicopter just missed an edge of a building. ‘

’Come on Percy. We have to save your friend’’ Annabeth growled empathising ‘your’.

Percy got on the winged horse with Annabeth and took off. I was not going to miss this. I summoned the blessing of Jupiter and shot into the air, I heard Chiron gasp at my flight. I ran/flied to Percy and Annabeth. ‘’Ok, what’s the plan?’’ I shouted,

‘’Percy is going to have to take Guido and get out’’ she answered.

‘’What are you going to do?’’ Percy asked Annabeth,

‘’hyah!’’ she responded and their pegasus went into a nose dive.

They were heading for the rotors ‘’look out!’’ I yelled, and they ducked and Annabeth grabbed the door. Thing went badly then. Guido’s wing crashed against the helicopter and gravity took hold of him and Percy who was on his back. My heart went into over drive, I had a choice I could help Annabeth who was dangling from the giant metal mechanism, or I could help my brother, Percy and the pegasus who were going to make a combat with the ground.

Daughter of Neptune (Percy Jackson fan-fic) - RE-EDITING!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt