Chapter 13

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Summer's POV:

Me and Aniqa have just been shopping for my engagement dress. After 10 dresses we finally set on one that looked like something a fairy tale princess would wear.

It's a very elegant, navy blue quite plain Cinderella replica dress. It's got quite a big skirt and then it's a little tighter from the top with silver flowery patterns. The bottom also has the silver flowery design.

My sisters and Aniqa are all wearing slimmer, lighter blue  dresses minus the diamomds. I'm going to wear a navy hijab and silver heels with gold silver jewelery.

I don't know what Ali's wearing but Aniqa has assured me we will match and that Arif is taking care of him. It's now only 4 days until I get engaged to my first crush. I refuse to say the L-O-V-E word.

The man who taught me how to crush (not L-O-V-E). Then only a year later, we'll be married. I can't wait. Inshallah, we have a wonderful engagement and wedding. He really is perfect in my eyes.

And I know he has flaws, his clumsiness, his criminal background from his family and the fact he's new to receiving love but they all make him even more perfect in my eyes. I wish that one day he'll feel the same about me.

Ali-Nooh's POV:

Aniqa's just dropped of my engagement party suit. A white shirt, navy blue blazer, navy blue trousers, silver tie and silver shoes. Wow, I bet Summer will look stunning in these colours.

I mean, sure, Summer has what most people consider flaws like her childish-nature, her lack of love for others and her clumsiness but in my eyes, they are what make her perfect. I can't wait to see the ring on her finger declaring she's taken. Mine.

I'll be engaged to the girl of my dreams in 3 days. Then, after only a year, I'll be married to her, we'll have graduated and we'll start our life together. Wow. I can't wait. Inshallah, our engagement party goes smoothly and our wedding is brilliant and one to remember.

Summer's dress to the side. Please vote, comment and share! Bye x

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