2. Breakfast

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Imagine for BieberBare6:

Dirty, justin bieber, justin’s house, holiday, rated r

Finally school is over and you have holidays. There is no better feeling, is there? Now you have 10 weeks to spend your time with your friends, going out, partying and doing anything you want. Your mom and dad work in an advertising plant and are now at a business meeting in Miami. It means that you are alone … for over a week! That’s just too perfect.

Yesterday Justin Bieber invited the whole school to a party at his home. Yeah, the Justin Bieber.  It was one of the parties you always see in the movies. Everything starts with a bit alcohol and in the end everything gets out of control. Teenagers are puking around, humping each other in the pool, the bedroom, bathroom and wherever.  Of course Justin told all of you that he doesn’t mind if some spend the night at his but their parents didn’t allow it. To be exact only one was allowed to stay. And that was you because your parents are not there.

Justin attends the same class as you and you are friends. Actually there might be more than friendship. After the mates had been gone Justin and you shared an interesting night. After watching a romantic movie you started kissing, then making out and finally you licked him a Biebergasm. It is still unbelievable.

Now you are laying in his comfy bed. He is still sleeping. You look into his perfect face. Have you ever seen a boy sleeping? There’s nothing cuter than this. You recognize that you are both still naked. You must have been very drunk. You lean over to his face and give him a gentle kiss. He doesn’t move.

You get up and go to the bathroom. There is still some sticky Jerry cum on your body. Quickly you take a shower and clean yourself up. You do your hair and leave the bath again. Justin is still sleeping. He looks so gorgeous. One of his legs look out of the covers and you can see his blonde hair on it. His feet look so wonderful. You never had a fetish or something like that but now looking at them you wouldn’t mind licking them.

You shake your head and look around the room for your clothes. Only your underwear has not been torn apart. Grinning you pull up your panties and put on your bra. Then you get the idea. Justin might be happy if you cook him something for breakfast.

So you shuffle down the floor towards the kitchen. For a boy he really has a taste in interior design. It’s a very big kitchen. Everything in black and white and with some purple accents. In the middle there is an island with the oven and a long counter to prepare the meals.

You open the refrigerator to look what you could cook for Justin. There is yoghurt, milk, some marmalade, strawberries, a bottle of Champaign, butter, ice tea, cheese, even a bin of tuna and caviar and so many other things. Justin seems to live healthy. Well, if he didn’t go to McDonalds all the time it would be even better.

You have to smirk and then you decide to make Justin some pancakes. You take out all the ingredients you need. In a cupboard you find some flour. Next to the fridge there is a radio. You push one button and it starts playing: “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia. You really like this song, it so deep.

Humming you mix the ingredients in a big bowl.

…: “What are you doing here?”

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