Chapter 10

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"Good morning guys, it's all souls day!" I tickle their feet but they don't want to wake up yet.

"Fine. You don't want to wake up? I'll sleep again. [laughs]" I lay my back on the bed and sleep again.

It was clearly black. I can hear the voice of mom downstairs while preparing breakfast... I didn't know how many minutes it take before I finally get back to sleep.


"OH MY GOSH!" Mars shouted.

I jolted hearing him shout. I don't know how many hours have passed since I get back to sleep but it seems to me, he had just woke up. I sit down and scratch my eyes to see them clear. Mars looked at me in fear but I have no idea what's going on. He poked Zam and passes his phone to her, she stared at it blankly and in one snap, her reaction turned 360 degrees. She quickly showed it to Fei after reacting. Fei wears her eyeglasses and tried to read what's on the phone. She suddenly holds her breath and bite her thumb after seeing that thing I am curious about. I was expecting them to pass it on me next but Fei hesitates and return it to Mars instead. They look at each other, doing some eye contact, shaking their heads and pushing each other to tell me what had happened.

"What?" I tried to start the conversation.

No one wants to speak so they just decided to show me what's on the phone.

Good evening Mars. It's kinda late at night but I'll leave you a message. Just read it tomorrow morning, okay? I asked my KPOP friends about Christian and they said he is single and also, they said they are not familiar of the name 'Yhan' and they don't know her to be a close friend of Christian. They also told me Kristel is the one they are pairing up with Christian and that he looks like interested in her too. I don't know who's telling what so I just directly asked Christian about this matter. He has not replied yet, maybe he'll just read it tomorrow as well. Good night! *grin emoticon*

I stopped breathing for four seconds (yes I counted) and nearly fainted after reading this. My heart beats like a drum set. Like it wanted to come out of my chest, cold sweat started flowing over my forehead down to my cheeks... I suddenly felt numb and speechless. I don't know what to say. I was totally blown by that message. I froze to death.

"Look Yhan, I'm really sorry. I didn't know it will turn out like this. Fate is really playful at times." Mars tried to explain.

"No it's totally fine. What's done is done. Maybe he'll just ignore her message since he doesn't know Kelly that much. Let's grab some breakfast first and-"

"But seriously. I don't know she'll be spreading the news that quick. It was just yesterday when I said that. I also think Christian will just let it slide because he knows us. But will he be considerate? And his fan girls? I've heard some of them are a little too exaggerated and war freak. They will never let it slide easily. Do you mind checking your account on facebook first?" Mars was so worried about the situation were in.

I followed his suggestion, I get my laptop and switch it on. I click the browser and check on my facebook. I clearly have 133 notifications and still counting, 21 messages, and wow my news feed is just absolutely crazy. It was just 11 o'clock in the morning. What's with these sudden changes? It was just last night when I finally decided to take some rest over Christian and then now this is happening. I'm going insane!

"Let's check on the messages first." Fei suggested.

Are you and Christian dating?

Hi ate good morning, I wonder if the rumor is true about you and Christian?

Hey b*tch! Don't be so assumptive! Wake up!

Hi. Are you the one they are talking about?

Ate please accept my friend request. Juseyooo~~

Hi Yhan, good morning. Are you aware of the rumor? Do you know where did it come from?

Have you two already kissed--

I suddenly stop reading and return back to the last message before the kiss thing. It was Christian. The rumors had already reached him. I wanted to reply but I feel so embarrassed because I actually know where the rumor started... it all started from me.

"Say something Yhan! Tell him you were cyberbullied and bashed and cursed by his b*tchy fan girls." Zam tried to control her temper.

Hi Christian, I'm sorry for causing this trouble but I seriously need help right now. Your fan girls are so mad at me, I almost think they want to kill me or worse, bury me alive. I don't like how some of them approached me. Please tell them to stop and I'll explain everything to you.

I wanted to say more but I prevented it.

"Your photos back when we were in high school are all over my news feed. Sadly, most of them commented something negative." Fei checks on her facebook too.

"Maybe that's why I have more than 100 notifs. I can't bear to look at it anymore." I lay down my bed again.

"How dare her call you ugly! This one looks like a twisted banana and yet she's calling you ugly. Tsk. If I were to compare you with her, I guess your poop is much more glamorous than her dirty face." Zam burst out of her anger.

It's just the beginning of the day and I already feel so weary. I don't want to hear another insult from strangers who doesn't even know who the hell I am!

Don't worry they'll stop soon.

Christian replied as simple as that. Like he doesn't even consider if I'm okay or I was tortured by the foul words I've received. But again, I can't blame him. It's all our fault anyway.

"Guys chill out! It's over. I think they will stop soon, as Christian stated. It's fine. It'll be okay. [laughs]" I tried to lighten up the mood.

"But Yhan. FJ's comeback will be this weekend. How can we perform with this situation? Do you want me to cancel going to this event? I'll cancel it right away" Mars, as our leader, acts responsibly.

"No I'm okay. We've practice for this comeback and we've been hiatus for 8 months. FJ's performance should not be ruined by simple circumstances such as this." I said.

"You sure you're okay huh? Aren't you going to reply to Christian?" Fei asked.

"I don't want to have a long conversation with him or else, it will be hard for me to prevent stalking him again. It's also better that he did not replied like I wanted it to be. At least, it will help me to have a reason to hate him." I answered while folding the blanket.

"Don't worry he'll protect you from the bashers. Naks! Instant fame." Zam kids aside.

"Later at night you'll be alone here again. Let's talk in our group chat and please stay away from the idea of committing suicide." Mars is starting to take it easy too.

"Oh yes. I'll definitely forget about this one, because we'll be busy with our rehearsals and costume preparation this week. I easily moved on to heavy situations right?" I smiled sounding so relaxed.

"Yes you easily moved on to everything... except for your feelings towards Christian." They answered in chorus.

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