The Unforgiving Death

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Kevin's POV

December 24th or world widely known as Christmas Eve, 17 year old Chloe Victoria Hatter an 11th grader at Jaques Pierre Secondary School commits suicide. Chloe's friends told news reporter Heavenly Klein that she was a strong willed and generous person. Her death opens a case to find out the reason she committed such a brutal suicide.

I read this article in the Morning Star. I wonder as to why Chloe would give her life to the hands of death himself. I, Kevin James Treather am immediately hit with a wave of emotion, and all too soon I try very hard to blink away the fast coming tears. I am what some people call a person who doesn't cry often, except if I'm hit with the feeling of love.

After making a decision I stand up from my bed and place the newspaper in my trunk of memories at the end of my bed. I loved this girl and now she's dead. I texted my friend Carl, Carl Spencer Jonham, and told him about Chloe, he knows that I loved her. 5 minutes after I send the text he sends his deepest condolences and says he's coming over in a couple of minutes since he lives just down the street from me.

Carl arrives through my window since he hates making formal entrances, so he always comes into my room from my window. At the moment I'm lying face down on my bed, therefore Carl gets worried and checks to see if I'm okay, because he knows that I loved Chloe so much you couldn't call it a crush.

The first thing he asked me was "why did she do it?".

"I don't know", is all I answer.

He seems to be in a loss for words, so he just lays down beside me. Our day continues like that basked in silence. Carl probably knew that I had to sort some things out, but wanted someone to be with me.

The house just across my street where Chloe lived is under police investigation, so the police are just around my house and are speaking very loudly with their voices, so loud my train of thought is broken.

Then all of a sudden it's quiet and I burst into tears, so many tears roll down my face that I think I could fill an ocean. I'll never find out if she ever liked me. We were childhood friends you know I've always been in the same school as her and I feel like my life wouldn't be complete without her. Now I feel like there's a part of my life that is missing, I hate this feeling.

"I intend to find out", I say after I'm pretty it's been hours since we last spoke.

Carl said that if I speak about it then maybe I'll be a little less stressed out, so I said "Well every morning I would watch as she'd come out of her house and drive to her friend's to pick her up, she lives alone and I never found out why, she was the nicest person, yet also the most bad-ass person, I don't know how those 2 personalities work together. I'd always watch her during classes, and when we were little we'ed always play together, she always came to me first when she was bored, it made me feel wanted for once, I loved it and I loved her and I still do".

I didn't want to feel the pain anymore, so I decided to go on Facebook, and guess what I saw a bunch of condolences for Clo (my nickname for her). Well social media is off the list to make me feel better.

Carl then suggested that we go to the arcade. We're off to go to the arcade (A/N i was singing this with the tune from the Wizard of Oz the part when they're off to see the wizard).

We went to the arcade, but the games didn't get my mind off of Clo, so we left. Maybe the movies can get my mind off of her, but no I went to the movies and watched the Goosebumps movie. It as awesome, but I imagine Zach's love for Hannah as my love for Clo.

What even is happening to me?

Well this is my first story part of Unexpected Lies.

-Sam out

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