Chapter 14

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Summer's POV:

I put on my outfit, let Aniqa do the finishing touches to my make-up and made my way to the car that would be taking me to the wedding hall we were using as an engagement hall.

It was beautifully decorated with fairy lights, navy and gold ribbons tied around the back of chairs and food laid out for all of our friends and family.

After all of the prayers and promises were made, which I tried very hard to control my giggling in, I sat at the front of the stage next to Ali-Nooh. He looked so handsome. I was watching him, his green eyes twinkling, his tie loose, his hand running through his hair and then his innocent, sleepy voice said
"Take a picture. It'll last longer."

I blushed and looked away. He laughed.
"Have I given you your ring?" He said.
"No." He smiled and gestured for Arif, Aniqa and both of our parents to come over.

He pulled out a small black velvet box. One that will be going in my memory box after this. Yes, I have a memory box. Shush. He opened it up and I saw a beautiful diamond ring.

"Summer Habib, will you do me the honour of marrying me? Well, in a year and really, technically you already have so don't try and let me down me lo-"
"Yes!" I said, interrupting his rambling.

Ali-Nooh's POV:

I slid the ring over her delicate finger and smiled. It looked perfect on Summer. And as a wave of love washed over me, I knew I would remember this moment forever.

I knew Summer would be the only girl I would ever love.
"There." I said. She was observing her finger and I stood up off my knee.

Eventually I went home and for the first time in months, I fell asleep with a smile on my face. All because of Summer. My fiancée. Hmm, I like that word.

Engagement ring on the side. #Sumali. Oh yes, #Sumali fans, the ship name is now Sumali! Bye x

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora