22 (Part 2)

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"I miss her," Camila frowned, looking at the Christmas tree. Collin rolled his eyes and threw a stuffed Olaf at Camila.

"She misses you too Camila, but for now can you please help with the tree?" Taylor asked, attempting to put on the lights, however they kept falling down.

"I don't get the point of Christmas if she's not going to be here," Camila whined, she walked over to the tree and threw the lights on. Taylor nodded appreciating Camila's long arms.

"It'll be okay Mila, she has a hearing tomorrow doesn't she?" Ally joined the group, placing cookies on the small glass table.

"Yes but I'm not allowed to be there since I'm not family," Camila frowned.

It had been almost two months since Lauren got arrested. A lot had changed. For one, Camila had spent most of her time with Lauren's family. She loved Ally, Taylor and Collin. With the exception of Chris, Lauren had the best siblings in Camila's opinion.

Secondly, Camila had spent every weekend visiting Lauren. Lauren even got the opportunity to come home for a weekend, which Camila really appreciated Lauren's good lawyer for. The two were stronger than ever.

And well, you wouldn't believe the third point...

The doorbell suddenly began to ring, "I'll get it!" Ally exclaimed. She ran over to the door and swung it open, smiling widely at the guests.

"Are we late to the party?" Dinah happily shouted, showing the presents she had brought. Normani nudged Dinah to move out of the way. The girl stumbled into the house due to the heavy bags she held.

Ally ignored her entrance and gave Dinah a hug.

"Look I'm all in for cute hugs and greetings but can we do it inside? It's windy out here!" Maggie shouted, sliding past Dinah.

Yes. Maggie.

Maggie and Camila had no choice but to make up. They decided that the time away from Lauren was rough for both of them, causing them to create a friendship on their own. Surprisingly, they tolerated each other quite well. However, Maggie still waited for Lauren's arrival.

Dinah and Ally followed Maggie and threw the rest of the bags onto the couches.

"Wow the tree looks beautiful!" Normani exclaimed, highfiving Taylor and Camila.

"Where's my high five?" Collin frowned.

Normani giggled and gave him a high five too.

"So what's the news on Lauren?" Maggie asked, collapsing on the couch.

"Ally, Collin and I are going to a hearing tomorrow. We're pushing to let her stay until January 2nd, so that she can spend New Years with us too," Taylor explained, picking up one of Ally's cookies and shoving it in her mouth.

"I'm sure you will make it happen," Normani cheered on, slipping a cookie to herself.

"You guys better, since I'm not there to give them a piece of my mind, y'all better be making up for my absence!" Camila laughed, fixing the lights on the tree.

"Will do Mila," Collin chuckled.

"Is Chris joining you guys for Christmas?" Maggie asked, examining her nails in the light.

"We don't think so. It's probably only going to be me, Taylor, Camila, and Lauren for Christmas Eve. I'm assuming Camila wants to spend Christmas with her family," Ally responded, indirectly asking Camila.

"Yeah probably, I don't know I might spend it here if Lauren really does come home," Camila said, thinking out loud.

"Well nice," Dinah smirked as Normani walked over and sat down on her lap.

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