Cɦaքtɛʀ 15

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Mɛʀʀʏ Cɦʀɨstʍas tօ aʟʟ !!



Pʀɛʋɨօʊs ʊքɖatɛ զʊɛstɨօռ:-

Q) աɦɨċɦ ɨs ʏօʊʀ ʄaʋօʊʀɨtɛ ʍօʋɨɛ?



It's a աօռɖɛʀʄʊʟ ʟɨʄɛ


Tɦɛ ʄaʊʟt ɨռ օʊʀ staʀs


Pʀɨɖɛ aռɖ քʀɛʝʊɖɨċɛ


Aʄtɛʀ ɛaʀtɦ




Laɖʏ ɨռ tɦɛ աatɛʀ


Qʊɛstɨօռ ʄօʀ ռɛxt ɛaʀʟʏ ʊքɖatɛ!

Q) WHO IS FAVOURITE SINGER? (ɮaռɖs, sօʟօ ʄɛʍaʟɛ aռɖ ʍaʟɛ sɨռɢɛʀs ɛtċ.)

Cօʍʍɛռt I'ʟʟ ʍɛռtɨօռ ʏօʊʀ ռaʍɛ aռɖ sɨռɢɛʀ ɨռ tɦɛ ռɛxt ʊքɖatɛ!!!


Qⓤⓞⓣⓔ O Tⓗⓔ Dⓐⓨ

" Yɷųɾ bҽىt tҽacɧҽɾ ɩى ʏɷųɾ ɭaىt mɩىtakҽ "
-APJ Abdul Kaɭam


Etɦaռ's P.O.V

It's already 8:30 am still now she didn't arrive

Well I'm excited to see Anna working as my Assistant it would be fun

*ring* *ring*

I took the phone from my pocket.

It was Eric Dallas

"Hello, Mr. Spencer!" He greeted me

"Well hello to you too Eric!" I greeted him back

"Sir, I had found the information about your ex-wife!". He told

His Ex-WifeWhere stories live. Discover now