Sanky Santa

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I knew the festive time was upon us. I saw snow outside my little window. I reckon I had been a good boy this year since I had no capability of doing anything bad. Therefore that gave me more hope for Santa to complete my Crustmas wish: to meet Sanky.

Days had passed as I sat there through the inescapable door wishing for it to open revealing the beautiful human. More days passed and then I heard it. A creaking sound came from the doors direction, then I saw light and then I saw him!

This was the moment I had been waiting for but this was only one person and infront of me I had the opportunity I wanted my whole life. Then I did it. I ran so fast out that door no one saw me and freedom was mine! But, would I ever see Sanky again?

Authors Note:
MERRY CHRISTMAS CHILDREN. Since it is Christmas I decides to update this after so long ;)

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