Totally mad

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"Move out!!!! What do you mean, move out?"Uncle asked surprised.
"Uncle, I'm his personal secretary so he gave me a new house."I said keeping my clothes in my bag.

I am packing my bags and uncle is standing at the door of my room, tensed.

"But...."uncle was saying when I interrupted him, " Uncle, I will be fine. And I already thought about moving out after getting a job."
"I know, but it's too soon. We just moved to this town, you just got a job and you are moving out. How will you live alone?"he said worried.

I walked towards him,"Uncle, I am a grown up now. I can live by myself and when will I learn to live on my own. Uncle please don't worry. I will be fine. Really. And, if I need your help I will call you."I said assuring him.

"Ok. But you will call me whenever you need me. Promise me."he said.
"Yes, uncle, I promise. Now cheer up."I said smiling and hugged him.
"I will go and make dinner. From tomorrow you will be cooking by yourself."he said and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Tomorrow I have to move in with him. How will I live with him? What is going to happen from tomorrow? His slave!!! How my life is going to be from tomorrow?

I have packed my bags. I am so tired now and hungry too. I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"You must be tired and hungry."uncle said cooking, with his back to me.
I smiled and asked,"How do you do this? I tiptoed here without making any noice then too you know I am here."
"Cait, you are my daughter, my life, my everything, so I don't have to look back to tell you are here or not."he said and turned smiling.
I smiled.
"Let's eat. Dinner is ready."he said.
We ate, talking and remembering all the happy moments.

My alarm rang...
I rubbed my eyes and got up. I saw the time, it's 4:30 am.
I took a quick shower and got ready. I have to be there by six.
And the journey to his house will take an hour. I have to leave now.

I opened my bedroom door and saw uncle standing there. He smiled seeing me.

"Let's go. I will keep your bags in the car."he said and came inside.
He was about to lift a bag when he stopped and turned around.
"Cait, should I drop you?"he asked me.
"Uncle, I will go by myself. You really don't have to worry."I said.
He turned to lift the bag. I know he is disappointed but I can't let him meet that stupid Ronnie.

"Cait, take care and call me if you need any help. I am going to miss you."he said with sad face.
"Yes, uncle."I said hugging him. He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Drive safe."he said when I sat in my car. I nodded.
I put my foot on the accelerator and the car came to live.
I hurried to the road.

Tears were rolling down my eyes. I know uncle must be sad too. Maybe he will cry too. This is the first time I am leaving him.

I reached to the address and parked my car. Wow!!! What a house! It's beautiful!!!

I walked to the front door and ring the bell. Ronnie opened the door,"On time. Good."he said looking at the watch. My watch. Why is he wearing my watch? Doesn't he have his own watch? He is rich, right?

I stepped inside the house. It's so large and beautiful. But, all the furniture and other things are not arranged yet. The house is not even clean. The furniture is still covered in dirty sheets.

"Ok. So, from today onwards you will be my personal secretary at office amd personal slave at home."he said with a smirk.
I didn't reply.

"Ronnie, why...."I was asking him when he interrupted me,"What? Ronnie? You will call me sir in office and master at home. Got it?" I nodded.
"So, you were asking me something. Continue."he said.

How can I call him master? This is too much!! I tried to say master but my mouth just don't allow me to.

At last I managed to say,"Mas..ter,.....why is all the things just lying here. Why aren't they arranged? The guys who are supposed to arrange these are not here yet?"

He smiled and said, "Good question, slave."

He called me slave!!!!! What does he think of himself. He is calling me slave! This is too much. I really want to smack his face!
I tried to calm myself down.

"You are my slave and so you will arrange everything here. Today, you don't have to come to the office. You will just stay at home and make it livable."he said looking around the house.

What??? Me??? I have to arrange all these??? How will I do that??

"Ok, slave. I will be leaving now. I have to go and have breakfast too. Arrange everything here and here take this money to buy all the groceries and everything else you need to make this house liveable."he said handing me a bundle of money.

Then he left. I sat on the floor. How am I gonna do all these by myself? Uncle never let me do these things. All I had to do was arrange my room. I really hate this guy. He is totally mad! How can he come to live in a house without arranging it first? He is really a jerk!

Cait just came to the house and Roonie already order her such a difficult task. What is he going to do next? What will he make Cait do? How is Cait going to manage everything now?

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