Chapter 18.

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We just arrived at our grandma's place.

Cody and Martijn are taking the suitcases out of the car, while I'm in the living room.

"Ooh please, turn on the TV, I miss American sound" I say to my grandma as I jump on the bed

"Haha the TV remote is there. But you should go and grab some sleep, I'm going to take a quick nap, so I could make us lunch later" she says. I look over to my phone, and my mouth opens when I realise it's 6am. Well of course it has to be, our flight was so early in Amsterdam.

"Oh I'm so going to take a nap. I missed my room here" I say and get up from the bed

"Can you show Martijn his room please? You can leave the luggage here, pick them up later, go grab some sleep now" my grandma says

"Sure. I'll wait for him and then I'll go upstairs" I say and she nods before she goes upstairs

I look around, and at the walls I spot our old family pictures. My grandma keeps every single one of them at the walls, there is like one wall filled with picture frames.

The funniest one that I laugh at is me and Cody when we were younger, we are in costumes, we're both flowers. Everybody laughs at that one.

The next one that I spot is the one with me, my mom and my dad, when we still used to be a happy family. I miss seeing us like this. Which reminds me, I still haven't figured out if I should call him or not. I will ask Martijn for his opinion.

"Hey Serena, which one of these are yours?" Cody asks when they pull in some suitcases

"Those two" I point at two black big suitcases with yellow lines on sides

"Okay, want me to take them to your room?" he asks

"Um yeah, if you want" I say and he nods, taking those two suitcases

"Martijn" I say when he finally appears from the door

"Woah this house is ten times beter than ours" he says and I smile at how he said 'ours'. Still not totally used to hearing them say ours, instead of my house

"Haha. Wanna go see your room?" I ask and he nods

"Yeah. Wait I have to grab my stuff" he says

"Grandma said you can leave them here and pick them up later" I say

"No it's fine, I'll take them now" he says and lifts his suitcases, he brought three.

"Hey can you take my backpack please?" he says, while handing me his backpack

"Thought you never give to anyone your backpack?" I say, and his smirk appears

"I never give to ones who I don't trust" I take his backpack from his hand, and he starts going upstairs

I know how he already said that he trusts me, but I didn't really think he means it. Laura said that Martijn never gives his backpack to anyone, because he always keeps his laptop in it, with his music and some private stuff, and besides laptop, he has god knows what. So I figured I should not even look at it.

I go after him, watching at his backpack as at the most precious thing. If he trusts me with this, then I have to take care of it, altho it's only for few minutes

"Where now?" he asks when we reach the last step

"Turn left" I say

"That door" I point at the door at the almost end of the hall. The last room is Cody's. My room is in front, not near to Martijn's.

Troubled (Martin Garrix)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя