Chapter 17

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Ali-Nooh's POV:

Finally Friday. Which means English. With Summer. Whooo! English with Summer is hilarious and is the main reason I love Friday. I also love Monday's.

'Cause I have English... with Summer. Anyway, I got up and ran to school so I could play football as soon as I got there. Then, I noticed someone watching me from the bleachers.

"Oh hey, Ali, right?" Hayley came up to me. I rolled my eyes, she new exactly who I was.
"Yep." I said, doing Summer's famous p-popping. Then I from the corner of my eye, I saw Summer. She was running to the pitch and then turned to sit with Joe in the bleachers.

Summer's POV:

I sat with Joe in the bleachers until I saw Hayley flip her hair at Ali. No way. She was flirting with him! I sneaked up behind Ali until I could hear their conversation. Hayley certainly didn't beat around the bush.

"So, I was wondering whether or not you would go out with me?" She said, biting her lip. Ali scratched his neck. He could be mean or jokey when he wanted to but he was usually a nice guy.

"Urr... sorry, no." Hayley's mouth dropped down. The Queen obviously wasn't used to people rejecting her.
"Why not?" Queenie said, slightly annoyed.

"Umm, well I'm kinda... engaged."
"But you've only just turned 19." She said accusingly.
"Yeah, I'll be marrying her after graduation." He said awkwardly. I smiled a triumphant smile.

"Who is she?" Queenie demanded, losing the little amount of cool she had. I giggled at her and she saw me.
"What are YOU doing here?" She said, pointing at me, causing Ali to turn around.

"I was about to talk to my fiancée." I said, waving my left ring finger in her face. She gasped.
"You're... engaged to HER?" Ali nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, he's a lucky thing." I said smugly. Hayley stormed off.

"So what did you want to say?" Ali said his emerald-green eyes sparkling.
"Nothing. Just wanted to see the look on her face." We both smirked and walked to English. Together.

So, I'm just filling you up on #Sumali moments before I do the time jump and we skip to graduation. Also, Finding Him is out. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora