Chapter 19

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----- Edited -----
----- 7 months later -----
Summer's POV:

"We're graduating!" I said, hugging Aniqa.
"I know!" Aniqa squealed back.
"And we're getting married next month." Ali added in.
"And we're getting married in 2 weeks." Arif said and Aniqa squealed. Aniqa's wedding would be fun. But not as fun as my own.

Ali-Nooh's POV:

I'm graduating. And more, importantly I'll be marrying Summer in 26 days. Wow, Summer. The girl I couldn't even dream of because of the lack of love in my life until I met her. I couldn't imagine anyone as perfect as Summer. Not for me, anyway. Aniqa was calling us all in for a picture.

"On 1..." My nose feels weird.
"2..." I think I'm gonna...
"Ali, you are MADE for Summer. She did the exact same thing at Musa's wedding." Aniqa said growling. Me and Summer both grinned.

Summer's POV:

The sun was beating down on us and eventually we went home after hugging everyone and saying bye.
"Oh my god, Joe you better phone me every day and the same goes for you, Aria."

Then I walked over to Queenie.
"Hayley, I'm not gonna miss you in the slightest." But we both laughed and hugged. Then I looked at the school one last time.

The school that made me who I am. And more importantly, brought me and Ali-Nooh together.

In case your wondering, after our wedding, Ali is going to take over a buisness firm from given to him from his childless Uncle because his Dad's work is all illegal.

Aww, him in a suit! And I'm going to stay at home unless I want to go to college straight away; which I don't. Yay. We have our lives planned out. And they're looking good. So far...

Next chapter is their wedding, eeeeeeek. #SumaliIsGettingMarried. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Also in case you guys haven't noticed, all chapters are unedited. Bye x

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora