Chapter 14

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****Hi! I'm so sorry this is late but you know what I got my lazy ass in gear and I made sure this was done on Christmas so you guys got an extra gift today. Speaking of that I hope you all had a great Christmas and comment below what you favorite gift was. I hope the wait didn't kill anyone, wait, who am I kidding? No one would have died, I didn't leave a cliffhanger! Stupid Author!! Sorry I had to put myself in place real quick but here you guys go. New chapter! Sorry I need to sleep, but not before this is posted. So please for my massive bags under my eyes COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW ME! Enjoy!!****

Picture above is Vesper and Jordan



Aris's POV

I almost stopped breathing. "Jasper, are you absolutely sure the little shit wasn't just bluffing?"

"I wish, but his parents have stepped down, he's Alpha of the Midnight Lake pack, and until he gets you back he doesn't care if his pack members die, or if ours do. He will have you and he won't stop until he does. So I hope you have a plan because in one week the kid's gonna release a whole rain of ass-kick on us and we don't stand a goddess-damned chance."

"Jasper, what the hell am I supposed to do?" I sighed and rubbed my throbbing temples.

"Don't know, ask one of your new friends," I snarled at his mocking voice from the other end of the line.

"Jasper," I growled and his mocking tone dropped like a brick.

"I'm sorry Aris, I really don't know. Now more than ever I'm being pulled between my pack and you, my sister." He sounded pained and I felt my chest throb when he called me his sister. It was true, when I had lost Ezra; he had filled the spot of an older sibling without hesitation. I owe him everything and doing this to him for my own benefits was truly selfish, but I couldn't. It wasn't even that I didn't want to; I couldn't go back with Logan. I just don't know if I can keep tearing Jasper up while I hide like a scared pup.

"How long can you give me to come up with a plan?" I asked, pain weighing my words down.

"Aris, we are running out of time!" He said.

"How long?"

He sighed, "A few days?"

"Give me three."

"Aris, you're really pushing it. Do you understand that Logan will decimate our pack? All those children and women you fought to protect all those years will be slaughtered."

I winced at the thought of seeing my pack lands painted red. "I won't let that happen, three days."

"I can't win with you. Ok, three days and you better come up with a plan," he replied.

"Understood, and Jasper!"


"Thank you."

"Ezra would have done the same." He said and I felt him give me a sad smile through the phone.

"Yeah, now go before the guards begin to worry about you."

"Fine, destroy this phone though." He reminded and then the line went dead.

I gripped the phone so tight my knuckles turned white. Three days, I had three days to come up with a way to save my pack and get Logan off my back forever.

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