chapter one

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Jordan sips from her glass of water as she looks around the bar. The bar is empty expect for a drunken man a few stools away from her, a couple stealing romantic glances at each other, and a handsome guy only a few years older than her in the back of the bar. The reason the usual cheerful and crowded bar has a lack of costumers is because of the time. It's past 12 o'clock at nighttime. Normally Jordan wouldn't be here, at the bar, at this ridiculous hour, but she's has just arrived home. Her home, Mystic Falls, the quiet, ordinary, everyday town. If it wasn't for Jenna's hectic phone call she wouldn't be here. She would still be in London, where she wandered around the streets in the rain, sung at local cafés, and helped at a elementary school.

Jenna had called her almost crying a few days ago, saying she was doing everything wrong and needed her help desperately. Jordan —being the good person she is— didn't have the heart to decline her request and booked the first flight to Mystic Falls, Virginia. She wonders how her brother and sister are doing, if they really are that bad she concluded from the way Jenna spoke to her. Or if they miss her, or might've even totally forgot about her. She highly doubts the last one has actually happened.

Pulling a five dollar bill from her back pocket she shakes her head and tells the bartender he can keep the change. She jumps of the barstool and slips on her denim jacket.

"See you later Dave," she calls out and disappears into the darkness of the night.

Damon had his eyes fixed on the petite, certainly dyed blonde from the moment she'd walked in, and his gaze only left the moment she'd walked out. Her appearance had him left star struck, and as the minutes ticked by he felt more and more intrigued. He doesn'tknow why he is interested, and it leaves him quite annoyed. He hasn't seen her before, here in Mystic Falls, but he knows she is familiar around here. With the way she talked freely with the bartender and greeted him when she left. Damon couldn't help but feel a slight tingling in his stomach, and he scolded himself for feeling jealous. Damon Salvatore does not get jealous, not even the slightest.

This is it, the moment she is going to see Jenna, Jeremy and Elena again since her parents funeral. Since she packed her bags and left. No goodbye, no explanation. Jeremy and Jenna will probably be glad she's back. Elena too, of course, but she will have a hard time forgiving her sister for leaving when Elena needed her the most.

"Here goes nothing," Jordan whispers and rings the doorbell, probably ringing them out of their slumber.

She bites her nails out of nervous habit and waits for someone to open the door. She can hear Jeremy's faint sleepy voice from inside, "Who in the world rings someone's doorbell at 2 in the morning?"

She smiles to herself at his question.

The next voice she hears startles her and she holds her breath. "Jordan would," Elena answers and she can feel Jeremy's mood sadden at her name. In that moment she wants to kick herself a few months back so she'd never left them.

Jordan regains her posture as the door swings open, and she is greeted with the two sleepyheads of her siblings.

"Hi," Jordan shyly says.

Both heads snap up, and all sleepiness has disappeared. Jeremy's mouth hangs wide open, but she can see the hope and happiness in his eyes. Elena, however, looks like she just got slapped in the face, and her eyes hold betrayal and hurt.

"J-Jordan?" Jeremy stutters, "Is that really you?"

"Yes Jer, it's me, and I'm staying here for good," Jordan whispers, afraid that if she speaks any louder she is going to cry.

Jeremy steps outside in the cold night air and engulfs Jordan in a tight, strong hug, afraid that if he lets go she is going to vanish right before his eyes again. As Jordan and Jeremy let go of each other Jordan looks hopefully at Elena, but before any word can leave her lips Elena starts rambling.

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