Chapter 25

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Summer's POV:

I woke up in the morning and for some reason, instantly puked. I sat at the toilet feeling groggy. I pulled out toiletries bag and wiped down my tight-feeling skin. I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked chubbier than I did a few months ago.

I still felt ill. Maybe I should go to the hospital. This isn't normal sickness, I can barely brush my teeth without puking. I'll go by myself before Ali wakes up.

Although my skin felt tight, it looked radiant. Then I put them back in the bag and scrunched up my nose in confusion.
I saw a full pack of sanitary towels. I haven't had a 'shark week' in ages.

"Yeah, the sickness is very very bad."
"When was your last period?" The nurse asked. I blushed and quickly checked my app.
"2 months ago..."
"Sweetheart, are you sure you're not pregnant?"
"Pregnant? No. I mean I can't be. Can I?"

She smiled.
"We'll run a quick test."
I sat patiently. What if I was pregnant? No surely I can't be. I'm only 21.

"Yes, you're 4 months pregnant with twins!"
"Twins?" I gasped.
"Mm-hmm, that's all I can tell you for now. I'll book you an appointment with a midwife for next week at 5pm at... this address, if you can?"
I nodded and took the slip of paper from her. Wow, me and Ali were having twins.

Ali-Nooh's POV:

"Dad, no." I said angrily over the phone.
"Son, toughen up. It's just a bit of drugs. You'll be taking my place and practically run it so you won't have to get your hands dirty in the murders and stuff."

"Yes, murders."
"Dad, no. I wouldn't imagine what I would do if Summer was murdered and I would never inflict that pain on anyone else, okay?"
"You really love Summer, don't you?"
"Yes." And with that, Dad hung up.

"Alii, I'm hoome!" I smiled as my wife approached me and kissed me.
"I was just at the hospital an-"
"What? Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"Yes, I'm more than okay. Oh, Ali! I'm... I'm pregnant." My jaw fell open.
"Wow... Summer! That's amazing!" I said pulling her into a hug.
"That's not all."
"It's not?"
"I'm 4 months gone with twins!" She squealed. Wow! I was going to be a Dad. With Summer. Wow.

#Sumali4life. Don't forget to vote, comment and share! Also, we hit 500 reads, yaay! Bye x

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