A New Arrival

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Quick note: This is a calibration story between WhereIsMyMind63 and misakisses. I, WhereIsMyMind63, wrote this chapter, and misakisses will write the next and so forth, so if things get a little confusing, we apologize. Also, this story will take place after the events of the movie, with our own twists. All commentary and reviews are appreciated.


Chapter One:

She's heard of Lennox, and has seen a few articles in newspapers about the crazy orderly, Blue Jones. And some of the stories from the house about a girl that they call BabyDoll, along with a few other names such as Amber, Blondie, Rocket, and Sweet Pea. With the exception of BabyDoll and Sweet Pea, the other girls are rumored to be dead.

Lennox House had called off the search for Sweet Pea a few months ago, and it's rumored that the one called BabyDoll is a lobotomized vegetable. Or, so her father had commented upon reading the article. It was a week before her tragedy that the orderly, Blue Jones, was emmited back into the institute as head orderly on claims that there wasn't enough concrete proof that he had done those things he was being accused of.

She recalled those news articles as she was being walked down the hall, her mother and sister behind the two men in white jackets. Her mother looked sullen, a tired look in her eyes. Her sister looked calm, a slight smile on her face whenever she would look at her.

She was stood in an area as her mother wrote down her information down. Her sister glanced over at her, a sly smile on her face. She looked like the cat that had just caught the canary. After her mother had filled out the paper, she nodded to the man that held the brown haired girl's arms behind her back. They lead her to a set of doors, her green eyes studying some of the wiring that showed on some of the glass windows. It was unlocked with a buzz and the two men lead them down the hall. She was handed some clothing, it was just a dirty looking gray shirt and pants. She was pretty calm through out the whole thing before she saw someone she recognized.

Her eyes widened slightly, pushing her feet against the alluminum flooring, trying to fight back. She stumbled a bit before she was placed in front of the man. Her mother thrust the clipboard towards him, a little to quickly for the girl's liking. Blue took the clipboard from her, reading it over. She glanced up at him, he looked a little rougher around the edges than from what she had seen in photo's in the paper.

Wow, I'm actually here. I had nightmares about this place, and I'm standing here. Waiting to be allowed in. They are actually getting rid of me. She thought, her eyes moving to the floor. Her heart beating hard in her chest. This is sister's fault. She should be here, not me.

"Please, just take her." Her mother said, sounding worn out.

"Don't worry ma'm." Blue said, unlocking the door he was standing in front of. "She'll be off your hands in a few minutes."


She was given a nickname not even a few minutes after entering the institute. A black haired girl sneered at her while walking past, fighting the men that were trying to lead her somewhere.

"What are you staring at, Candy Eyes."

Candy Eyes. She wasn't too fond of the nickname, or nicknames in general. Her real name had enough nicknames for it already. So, Candy, or Candy Eyes, wasn't too thrilling to her. Candy was brought into a room that had a few seats that some of the other girls were sitting in, but a few of them were on the stage, a dark haired woman directing them. Candy watched, not really paying attention to what was going on behind her. Her eyes were on a girl, she was standing on stage. She looked slightly depressed as the dark haired woman was explaining something to her.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." A new voice said, causing Candy to look over as another orderly walked towards them. He had sandy blonde hair that was cut short. She saw him restraining that black haired girl.

"What now, Knave?" Blue asked, he sounded annoyed. But, he was keeping up the charade for the sake of her mother and her sister.

"It's Shock." He said, "she's causing problems again."

"Great." Blue growled, glancing towards Candy, causing her to shift uncomfortably. "Actually, send her down here." He said, turning towards the orderly. "I have a task for her."

The blonde haired orderly nodded his head, turning and heading down the hallway again. Candy keeps her eyes on the the dark hallway that the orderly had just walked down. She didn't notice her mother hand over a wad of cash to Blue. Her hands were shaking, but she grabbed them before any of them could notice. She watched her mother and sister leave, a growing rage building inside her. The black haired girl, Shock, walked towards them, Knave behind her.

"Shock." Blue said, his voice colder then before.

"Blue." Shock said in the same tone, Candy could pick up on the subtle mocking in her voice.

"I want you to show the new girl around." Blue said, Shock looked towards Candy Eyes, raising her eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah, sure." She agreed, walking forwards but was stopped when Blue grabbed her arm. " I'll deal with you later." He said in a low voice, Shock looking up to glare at him.

"Look forward to it." She muttered, walking towards Candy once Blue released his grip on her arm. "Come on." She said, walking past Candy, not really looking at her. Candy followed behind her, her head down.

"So," Shock said, the both of them heading down a hallway where a few rooms were. "This is where the dance studio is." She said, gesturing to an open door. "And our bedrooms are just down the hall." She said, sounding annoyed.

"Okay..." Candy said, making mental notes on where the rooms were.

"We have dance everyday, and it mandatory that you show up to them." Shock continued, Candy frowning.

"And if I have no dance experiance?" She asked, Shock glanced back at her.

"You do it anyway." She stopped, coming to stand in front of her. "I'll let you in on something." She said, "if you don't dance, they will...take care of you. They don't keep people here that won't make a profit. And I don't mean that they will send you off to another institute, I mean that they will kill you. So, keep that in mind when you complain about having to dance."

Candy stared at her as that information sunk in, "so, what are they making a profit off of? Our dancing?"

"Sort of." Shock said, "you dance, the customers like it, then you make sure that they leave satisfied." She said, "sometimes dancing isn't enough, so you have to go the extra mile." She said, "I'm sure you'll understand once I show you the other rooms." She said, "come on."

Candy continued to walk, not liking this place already. Shock paused, looking over at door similar to what Candy had passed through on they way in. She glanced over at her, noticing the sly smile on her face.

"You want to know why they call me Shock System?" she asked, looking over at her.

"Um, sure?" Candy said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Shock pointed towards the doors. "When I first got here, I got electrocuted by those doors about three times. The main ones about...four times." She said, Candy wondering why she would boast about that. "I would be out by now, but since Sweet Pea escaped, they put up more security." She said with a smile.

"And you're not dead?" Candy asked, looking over at her.

"I've been close a few times." Shock admitted. "Come on, we're going to get in shit if we stand around too much."


Candy lay in bed a few hours later, Shock sleeping in a bed close to hers. She thought about her family again, her hands curling into fists.

She needed to figure out how to get out of here, but a small part of her mind told her that if Shock couldn't get out, why should she be any different?

It doesn't matter, I will get out. Candy thought to herself, her eyes closing, and when I do, sister will pay.

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