Chapter 7

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Turns out all the wires Q was tweaking were to install a computer. Q took out the Velcro piece that had ripped off of the bandit’s suit. I quickly typed “Oscar Milo” on Google as an array of shops in Central London showed up as a first option and a disturbing picture of three fishes as a close second.

“London, Hyde Park,” I said and added “That was in the note right?” I said hitting Q as he barely flinched.

“Makes sense,” he said seeping on an apple juice box. It is Q, it’s allowed.

“But that was too easy,” I said looking up at him as he shrugged.

“So it was two centuries, they were probably careless about hiding whatever they were hiding,” he said.

“At least we’ve confirmed where that attribute comes from,” 

“Are you saying I’m careless?”

“Why don’t we bring up the track record of your last few missions, shall we? Introducing yourself to…”

“I get it,” he said laughing.

“On another note, this is our only shot,”

"That's also true," he said nodding "At one point or another we would have to check that place,"

"Plan B," I said. We couldn't just rely on a piece of cloth and worst of all it could be a trap.

"You're not going to like it,"

                                                                                 NEW YORK 


 This was too stupid and would make us veer off the whole case. Jane was running different machines over the piece of cloth  looking for any human trace on it.

"This is not good, it doesn't take this long to pick up anything. It's either syntax error or a film washed picture," Jane said.  I looked up at Q who couldn't be bothered in the least. He was now filing his nails and humming 'Clementine'. Jane was never antsy but seeing her so jumpy made me a tad bit nervous. The computer and all the machines all blew their fuses  at the same time as Jane shook her head.

"Whoever this person is, they are geniuses, no lie,"

"I thought you were the best in the business," I said

"I am," she said defensively and looked back at the stupid piece of Velcro and picked it up and sniffed "It reeks of Uranium,"

"Uranium?" I said looking around but no one seemed to hear anything Jane was saying. "What does that mean?"

"Shh!" Jane said raising her hand and ran the cloth under something plugged into her laptop. That thing should have blown her laptop apart but instead a three dimensional green figure floated around the screen rotating in 360 degrees over and over again.

"Do you guys really want to do this?" she said looking up at me. Her green eyes were quite dark like tempest was forming under her lids,"

"Who's it?" I said inching closer to her.

"Sir William Bart, Q's great grandfather," she said confusing herself more.

"But that's impossible,he's dead,"

"Or he could be a vampire," Q said looking at us and went back to filing his nails when we gave  him the "You're clearly mad" face.

"Someone stole his fingerprints," I said to Jane as she face palmed. 

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