Chapter 10

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Perrie P.O.V.

I woke up and rolled myself out of bed. All night I could only think of those chocolate brown eyes and that perfect black hair. My boyfriend. I got changed into my shorts and T-shirt. I put my hair in a side braid, and slapped on my makeup.

I looked into the wall mirror we had in the cabin. I was far from perfect. I need to be perfect.

I re-did my hair 3 times. Still looked terrible. I finally just gave up and fell onto my bed, very annoyed by the way I looked. I laid their so bored, and frustrated. All the girls had already went to breakfast. I was alone.

After a while I heard the cabin door open and close. I sat up to see those pretty brown eyes and full pink lips. "Hey Zayn." I mumbled, hoping he didn't notice how terrible I looked. He smiled at me, showing his amazing smile.

"Hey beautiful." He said, trying to be cute. It worked. He sat next to me on the bed and looked at me. "Everything ok?" He looked a little concerned. I shook my head. "It nothing." I was so bad at lying. "Perrie...Come on." He nudged me, making me spill everything.

"I'm so ugly. I try an be perfect or even close to it, I can't do it. What do you see in me?" He suddenly looked at me shocked. "You are pretty. Your beautiful, You perfect." He put his arm around me and held me close. I smiled as the warmth of his body made me feel so secure, and safe.

"You really believe that?" I asked, hopefully. He nodded. "Thanks Zayn. Your the best." I said shyly as I laid my head on his shoulder. "I know I am." He whispered to me.

I looked up at him and saw him staring at me. I didn't say anything, I just stared back. Suddenly I felt his face grow closer to mine. He got closer and closer, until he closed the gap between our faces.

He kissed me for what seemed like forever. My stomach did a back flip. I got butterfly's and felt my heart beat faster an faster. He finally pulled away and smiled at me. "That was...nice." I giggle causing him to chuckle and kiss my forehead. 

We sat there for the rest of breakfast, not wanting to leave each others side.

We both sat on the bed cuddling when all the girls came walking in. They froze and stared at me and Zayn. "Did we miss something?" Eleanor asked, smiling at the fact me and Zayn were cuddled up together. Zayn quickly got up, very nervous. "Uh...I should go. Later Perrie. Bye girls." He basically ran out the door.

All the girls stared at me smiling. "EEEEEK!!!" They all squealed loudly. Ouch! My ears.

"You and Zayn?! When did this happen!?" Danielle squealed. "Yesterday. Sorry I didn't tell you. I can barley believe it myself." I stood up and walked over to all the girls who are smiling like idiots.

"Finally I've been wanting you to talk to him forever! Your welcome!" Savannah smiled proudly. I rolled my eyes. "So now Eleanor, and Perrie both have boyfriends and the rest of us are single." Danielle pointed out.

"Savannah's not really single..." Eleanor smirked. "Well, I am. I don't have a boyfriend." She said, very confused. "Oooooh! I see what you mean El." Hattie said, smirking. "What?" Savannah questioned. "You and Harry!" Danielle squealed. "What?! No! Me and Harry are just good friends." Savannah crossed her arms and popped out her hip, rolling her eyes.

"Sure....We see the way you look at him. You so like him!" Eleanor giggled.

Savannah P.O.V.

I do like Harry. But, I'm never gonna tell him that. These guys are insane if they think I have a chance with one of the most popular guy at camp.

"Ok...I like him a little. But he would never like me back!" I shrugged like I didn't care. "That's what the girl says in all the romance movies! Then she ends up with the guy she likes!" Eleanor said. smiling. "In case you haven't noticed! This isn't a movie! It's real life! it's not going to happen!! Ok!?" I roared harshly.

"Sorry Savannah. But it could happen." Perrie said, looking down. "Lets just drop it. What about you Dani? Anyone you like?" I asked. Danielle shrugged as if she was hiding something. "She likes Liam!" Hattie blurted out. Danielle tensed up at the sound of his name. "I don't like him." Danielle said in dead tone.

Danielle P.O.V.

Why can't they just drop the hole Liam thing. I'm already sick of it! I'm gonna hurt Hattie for bringing it up.

"I don't like him." I said trying not to get mad. "Yeah, you do!" Perrie said giggling. "No!" I said, growing getting so pissed off. "Why can't you just admit it! You like him! He likes you!" Hattie smiled. I have had enough of all this. I was sick of hearing his stupid name.

I just shook my head and ran out the door fast. Fuck them.

I hated Liam. I hated hearing him name. I hated seeing him. I hated hearing his voice. I was sick of him being in my life. Why couldn't they see I don't like him!?

I ran to the bench near my cabin and sat there. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I grew madder and madder as the person grew closer and closer. I turned around quickly, my eyes filled with anger. "WHAT?!" I roared wanting to slap the person. But I saw who it was. It was Savannah. "Oh, Sorry Savannah." I looked at the ground. "It's fine. I'm sorry we all put that pressure on you. Why did you get so mad though? What's so bad about Liam?" She asked. She didn't know what I knew about him.

"Me an Liam have dated before. It didn't turn out to well." I shrugged like I didn't care. But I really did. "What happened? If you wanna tell me." I looked up at Savannah's kind brown eyes. I took a deep breath to let it all out.

"I dated Liam last year at camp. He was such a great boyfriend. I cared about him. I thought he cared about me. But, I felt he was hiding something. One day I went to visit him at his cabin. I found him cuddling with another girl. He said he didn't care about her like he did me. I didn't listen. I broke up with him an refuse to even be near him. or even hear his name! I don't like him. I love him." I sighed.

Savannah looked confused. "You love him after what he did to you?" I nodded. "He may have hurt me but, he's the first guy I ever loved. Maybe someday I'll be able to forgive him and maybe that day he will take me back. but, I don't think that day is today!" I looked at Savannah. She nodded. "I understand." She hugged me tightly. Like a big sister. She was a such a great friend.

As soon as she pulled out of the hug, Liam an Harry walked by. "Hi Savannah! Hey Danielle!" Harry flashed up a cheeky grin. Savannah smiled along with a small blush. I nudged her an she laughed.

Liam just stared at me with his big sad brown eyes. I looked away not wanting to melt into his arms. He waved at me and I gave a small wave back. Harry finally spoke up an broke the silence. "Savannah? You uh...Want to go an hang out?" He sounded nervous. Savannah nodded her head. Liam gave Harry an light push over to Savannah. They both walked away. Leaving me an Liam...alone. Thanks Savannah. This was not what I wanted.

Liam looked me. I got up and started to walk away when he called my name. "Danielle." I turned my heel to face him. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." He whined. I shook my head with a small smile. "I forgive you." his face brightened at my words and jogged over to me an pulled my into a hug.

I pushed him away. "I forgave you. It doesn't change what you did. Me forgiving you doesn't mean we are back together. You hurt me. And no 'I'm sorry' can fix that." I looked down. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry! I was such an ass!" He looked down. I got a little closer to him and giggled. "Yeah you are. But, a cute one." I turned my heel and walked away. Leaving him there.

Maybe someday he'll be mine again...not today though...

Not today...

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