Chapter 27

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Ali-Nooh's POV:
1 week later.

"Dad, I'm at work and you need to stop phoning me. I don't want to join your buisness. Summer's pregnant now, for God's sake! Nothing will change my mind."
I hung up on him and started to get ready to return home to Summer and our unborn children.

I've seriously missed her. I can't wait to get home and hug her. In fact, I'm gonna buy her flowers just because she's perfect. I text her saying I'll be 10 minutes late.

Summer's POV:

I've set up the most romantic beautiful dinner I can. I've dimmed the lights, put out candles, flowers, made spaghetti. Everything. I've just got a text saying he'll be home 10 minutes late so of course, I got out the dessert.

His favourite cake, red velvet. It looks quite romantic, I think. It's July so it's not really that late but I still put out candles to light everything up. I think I've already said that... whatever I'm excited.
I bet you're wondering why. Just to show him I love him. God, it's been 20 minutes, where is he?

Half an hour, really? Whatever it must just be traffic. I held my hands over my stomach and tried not to get stressed out.
I put my hands over Dawud and Aliya. That's right, I won. Well, Ali doesn't know that yet, but whatever.

I smiled as I thought about him. His sleepy voice, welcoming eyes and absolutely perfect personality. I miss him. I text him telling him to hurry up.

Oh, that's my phone. It must be Ali. He's over an hour late.
"Ali you better have a hell of a goo-"
"Excuse me, is this Summer Rasool?"
"Urmm... yes. Who's this?"

"North Central Bronx Hospital. Ali-Nooh Rasool was just in a car crash and he has been bought here."
"Okay, thank you, I'm on my way."
I shoved on my cardigan and scarf and ran to get a taxi seeing as Ali had our car. Tears rolled down my cheek. Oh my god, Ali was in a car crash!

Poor Ali. Evil me. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora