19. Reality Hits Hard

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Everything was going well in our secret world where reality felt like fantasy. Beyond Silver and Vincent, nobody knew about Eli and myself. Things were perfect and I felt as though I could fly when we were together, despite this constant nagging feeling. I knew I had to tell my brothers, we couldn't keep our relationship a secret forever but I wasn't sure that we would have a future together once my brothers found out. I'd rather live in secret for the rest of my life than be without him.

I can't tell you what time it was when my mobile rang on my bedside table. I can only tell you that it was dark and it took a couple of seconds before my sleepy brain realised the noise disturbing my sleep was my phone. Your phone only rings during the night for two reasons, an international call or something terrible has happened.

I didn't want to answer it. When I did I prayed that some confused French man would tell me he had the wrong number. But that didn't happen.
"Peyton, is that you?" A scared, almost hysteric voice said down the phone.
"Yes" I replied, shooting up in my bed, panics beginning to spread.
"Elijah, my baby, he was hit by a car" she cried down the phone and instantly my heart dropped.

"What? No" I said, unable to keep the dread from my voice.
"They won't let me see him" she cried some more "please come, he'd want you here Peyton"
"I'm on my way" I told her as I jumped out of bed, rushing around to find some clothes. I paused as I heard a sob.
"Maria, it's going to fine. He'll be okay" I said, not sure if my words were true. In all honestly, my mind was rejecting the idea of Eli not being okay. He just had to be okay.

I was in such a state of panic, I didn't know what to do. I needed help, I needed support. Usually I would turn to Eli at a time like this. Without any further hesitation I walked down the hallway, to the room at the end. Sebastian was asleep, but I was sure he would want to be there for his best friend.
"Bash" I said gently shaking him. I hadn't called him Bash since we were children.
"Bash" I said again as he was coming round.
"What?" He groaned, rolling over to look at me.
"Eli is in the hospital, will you drive me?" I asked as I grabbed an outfit out of his closet. Instantly he sprang into action.
"What happened?" He asked as he pulled on his pants.
"I-I don't know, he was hit by a car. His mum was hysterical. Oh god Bash, what if he dies" I felt my eyes begin to sting at the possibility of my words. I knew I was overreacting, but I felt as though I he only just got him and losing him would tear me to pieces. Sebastian grabbed his car keys and began walking down the stairs.
"Should we get the triplets?" He whispered back to me. I shook my head, they didn't need to worry about him as well.

We rode I silence until I felt like I was going to burst. The weight of my secret was becoming too much to bare.
"Bash" I said quietly as he stared blankly at the road ahead. "I can't take this not knowing".
"I'm worried too" he murmured, shaking his head like he just couldn't believe it.
"I love him" I said so quietly it could barely be heard. My words were true. I had known for a while that what was between Eli and I went beyond just a crush or lust. It felt like he was my air and without him I couldn't breathe. We hadn't said the words aloud through juvenile fear, but the fact that I might never be able to tell him was breaking my heart. Why had I been so stupid? He should know!
"We all do P" Sebastian replied, not understanding fully.
"No, Bash. I love him. I'm in love with him" I repeated the words like a prayer. I saw his hands tighten on the wheel, but he just sighed.
"I'm your twin brother P, I know that you love him. Do you think I don't know that?"

I was taken back by his words, all this time I thought he was oblivious.
"You know? And you're not upset? Do the others know?" I asked question after question, quite panicked.
"Of course they don't know, they'd kill him. The others aren't as understanding as I am. I'm not upset, I'm just concerned. You're my sister, my best friend for 17 years, I never want to see you get hurt" he explained. He seemed anxious, but if he was angry he didn't show it. I felt a swell of emotion, Sebastian was finally starting to understand.
"I think he loves me too" I said after a while of silence.
"Yeah well, if the constant glances didn't make that obvious enough, him getting pissed whenever any guy came near you did. You should have seen him when you were with Tristan, he was a mess. He kept going on and on about how bad for you he was. And then when he shut Mia down when you had left, I'll never forget that. At least I know one thing for sure, he'll do as good a job protecting you as we all have"

After what felt like the longest car journey in history, honestly it felt like the Trans-Siberian Express, we got to this hospital. I hugged Maria when I saw her, she seemed to have calmed down considerably. Vincent told me that Eli was fine, it seemed that he just had a few broken ribs, but they had to check for internal bleeding. I calmed down immediately. I thought he was dying but he just had a few broken ribs? Why was that boy determined to give me a heart attack? We sat and waited, Vincent and I partaking in an epic thumb war whilst Seb paced with s thoughtful expression on his face.
"I told him" I whispered quietly whilst Vincent and I sparred. "He took it surprisingly well" I added.
"One brother down, six to go" he reminded me as I frowned.
"The others are not going to take it well. Hunter and Ethan might actually kill him" I worried aloud, genuinely concerned.

My head snapped up when I heard a gasp, and I swear my heart would have burst out of my chest if my ribs did not exist. He was bruised and limping, but other than that you couldn't see the damage that had been done. I had to physically restrained myself from running over and hugging him. Instead I let everyone else have their turn, not wanting to smother him. I watched as he hugged his mother who kept kissing him on the cheeks. When our eyes met it was like the world changed, we were no longer in a hospital full of people. We were all alone.

My legs moved on their own, not allowing my brain any control. I walked towards him slowly as he walked towards me until we met in the middle. I hugged him, gently to avoid hurting his ribs.
"Seb" he murmured, reminding me my brother was around.
"He knows and he didn't threaten to kill you" I chuckled, looking up at his excited eyes.
"In that case" he grinned, taking my face in his hands and placing his grinning lips on mine. It was a different kiss altogether. It was affectionate and loving and it felt so much more real to be kissed by him in public. I definitely wasn't dreaming and he was mine.

"You look like a crap" I chuckled as we came away, I inspected his cut up face.
"You look beautiful" he told me with a smirk. I was taken back by the passion in his eyes, he looked so full of admiration it set me on fire.
"Eli, I-" I began, but once again became shy. He chuckled, still with his hands around waist.
"I love-" he began to tell me before I was shoved away.

"Okay sis, it's my turn for some affection now" Seb said, taking my place in front of Eli.
"How are you doing man?" He laughed as he hugged Eli.
"I feel like I've been hit by a car , but I've been worse".

My brother may have been okay with our relationship, but he was still a jackass.

Hope you all had a happy holiday!

I've been feeling quite deflated because I know that this book is coming to an end VERY soon, and I don't want it to end. This was always meant to be a short book and I never intended for it to do as well as it has! Nonetheless, I'm so glad it has done well! All of your comments and votes make me so happy and I feel like you're all my friends.

A special shoutout to catalinarosee for being such a sweetheart and constantly leaving me the loveliest comments.❤️❤️

Until next time (possibly the last time) amigos!

Jen xo

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