Chapter 30

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Summer's POV:

I instantly began shouting.

"NO! HOW CAN THAT BE? YOU said he was making progress! He said my name! HE SPOKE TO ME! Don't lie to me, I know he's still there. ALI! ALI!"
"Things took a sudden turn. We can never truly predict the outcome in cases like these." The doctor said simply.
So emotionless, so simple. How?
How could he say these things with such ease?

'He's gone.'
With those two words I felt my heart shatter and my mind lose itself. The one person who knew everything about me, who's children I'm carrying is gone?!

"I can't believe it. Now he's gone..." I crumpled to my knees and saw my Dad whisper to the doctor who nodded and my Mum came over to comfort me.

Mum got me up and sat me on a chair where I cried into her shoulder. My tears fell freely and I kept on panting for breath in between sobs.

After at least a few more hours of tears, I just stared at the wall opposite me and murmured
"He's gone... he's gone... he's gone..." I thought my eyes had dried up completely but the tears came rushing back.

I was so distraught and empty. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of it's cage that was finally opened when I met Ali-Nooh and trampled on.

I slowly got up to see his body but saw his hair, the top of his beautiful head and ran back to my family, afraid of seeing my Ali so lifeless.
His green eyes, his sleepy voice, his love... all gone.
I closed my eyes and thought of the man who taught me how to love. Who knew every thought of mine and was now gone.

I knew this would happen if I fell in love. I knew it would hurt!
Yet, I don't mind. Because I love Ali-Nooh. I love him more than anything else. Allah sent him for me. Then I started sobbing again.

My children. My unborn children! He never got to see them or them him. He never got to be a Dad.
Now I'll have them. Alone.
What if looking at them hurts as much as it hurts to think about Ali?
What if they're a reminder of what I lost rather than what I gained?

My soulmate has been teared from me. I clutched my ring. Ali moving his hand, saying my name, it was all a cruel joke. This world is so cruel. How could this happen?

All I have now is a ring, presents, pictures and our children. What will I do without him? I need him! Please. I need him.
A cold shiver crawled up my spine.
I can't have him.
Because he's gone.

Gone and never coming back...

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Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora