Chapter 9 (the date continues)

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Lydia's. Pov

"I could give you a make over!" I said knowing about the date it was perfect

"Okay" she said

"Were gonna start with your outfit,then your hair and then to your make up"I said

"Ok that's fine with me" she said

I picked out five outfits. There was a mint knee high dress,a croptop and a black leather skirt, a pair of booty shorts and a white croptop, a high low dress,and a tiny black dress with a pink bow.

"So which one?" I asked

"The shorts and croptop" she said I could see she really liked it

"You can keep them if you want" I said

"Huh" she said

"I said you can keep the outfit" i said

"Thanks soooo much Lydia" she said

"You're welcome"I said I walked out of the room so she could get dressed

"Lydia you can come in now" she said

I walked in the croptop was white and laced around it so you could see her bra the shorts were light blue and had little rips on the bottom.

"Do I look bad" she said

"You look better in that outfit then I do" I said and she giggled

"Ok now some accessories, ok here is a pink flower crown and some gold bracelets" issue letting her put them on

"I feel like I'm forgetting something" I said she laughed

"I don't have shoes on, duh" she said

I picked out some black combat boots and some cute knee high sock tights. I put very light makeup on Jocelyn because she doesn't need alot with her complexion then I put her hair into a rope twisted pinwheel bun.

"You can look in the mirror now Jocelyn" I said

"I love it" she said

My phone started to vibrate it was a text from Scott

Scott- we are done setting up you can bring Jocelyn to the woods now!

Lydia- OK what are you wearing?

Scott- why are you asking?

Lydia- Just tell me what your wearing

Scott- I'm wearing the bluejeans and a light blue T-shirt

Lydia- OK i m on my way

" Jocelyn Scott needs our help come on let's go" I said

"Let me" I cut her off

"We don't have time let's go" I said

"Ok" she said

Jocelyn's pov

We got inside of Lydia's car and were driving when lydia pulled over in front of the woods.

"What are you doing" I said

"Scott told me to meet him here" she said

After she said that I heard a knock on the window it made me jump I turned to see it was Scott so I rolled down my window.

"What's up Scott " I said

"Come with me" he said

I got out of the car and started walking when I see Lydia driving away.

"Where is Lydia going" I asked

"She is going back home" he said.

"Why-" but Scott cut me off by grabbing my hand

"I have a surprise for you, can you run"

" yes " I said

"Well I guess you have to catch me " Scott said

I looked back up to see scott no where to be seen

"Scott where are you, I'm scared" I said until I heard a twig snap behind me I turned around to see stiles

"Stiles where's Scott" I asked

" use your senses listen for him, smell for him , look for him " he said

I turned around and he was gone so I took his advice I listened I heard some one so I ran after the sound and I tackled them when I got close enough I turned him to see scott he had the biggest smile on his face.

"What" I said

He pointed to a branch which had ripped off my shirt I was so embarrassed that I started blushing I got off of Scott and covered my boobs and walked really fast towards my shirt. I tried putting it back on but I had forgot there was a zipper I tried reaching for it but I couldn't get it that was when Scott walked behind me.

"Here, let me help" he said grabbing the zipper and pulling it up I started blushing

"W-what did you w-want to show m-me" I asked stuttering

He grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the woods where there was a giant stump of a tree that was cut down on top of the stump was a plaid cloth and a picnic basket around the stump rose petals were spread and hanging from the trees were lights strung from branch to branch.

"Scott did you do this all for me" I said with a tear falling down my cheek

"Yes, but I had Liam,Aiden,Isaac, and Derek help me, do you like it" he said

"I love it" I said

He brought me to the stump and we started to eat we talked for hours he complimented me and made jokes I felt like I could talk to him forever. I went to check my phone and saw it was 11:00.

"what's wrong" he asked

"I have to go home now my curfew is 10:00 and its 11:00 my parents are gonna kill me" I said

"Not unless you say you were studying with Lydia and say you lost track of time" he said

I smiled after that he drove me home we said our goodbyes and then I went to my bedroom and fell asleep.

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