Chapter 18

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Four Pov.

I walk up David's driveway and slam through his door.

I look around and there's booze bottles everywhere along with victoria secret magazines. I pick one up and slide it in my bag.

I check every room and it's empty. I go to a last room at the end of a hallway and there's a gun on the table. And examine the fingerprints.

The rest of the guys are waiting in the car so I walk out and show them the gun.

"Can you guys tell who's it is?"

Uriah looks at it sharply.

"You see these fingerprints?" He says pointing to some on the trigger.

"We can have these reported and scanned."

"Okay can you guys go do that. I'm gonna look around a bit." I say.

They drive off and I walk back into his house. I go into the first bedroom.

There's a brush on the dresser full of short brown hair.

"Christina." I whisper. Her and David where together.

David's been lying to Tris the entire time. I walk back out and on the way I step in something red.

I bend down and look at it closely. I sniff it.


"Tris." I say loudly.

I get out my phone and track her phone from AT&T.

Last known area is 9729 north erudite drive.

The guys took the car so I run there as fast as I can.

"I will find you tris. I will always find you." (From Once Upon a Time.)


Tris Pov.

I'm sitting on the bed with the knife in one hand and a picture of Toby in the other. I grip it so hard I can feel my nails through the paper.

I get up and start to look for another way out. I'm examining the room and a huge crash happened out side the door.

"TRIS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" A distance voice shouts.

"Tobias." I whisper relieved.

I run to the door and yank it open. Walk out slowly with the knife pointed in front of me.

I hear footsteps coming behind me so I wait till there right behind me and throw my elbow up against there nose.

They go tumbling towards the ground. Before I walk away, I crunch there fingers with my foot.

I'm running throughout the hallways and I see a pattern of framed pictures on the wall.

All of one face. One boy. One pose. And signed, To Father.

"No...." I say exasperated. "Marcus."

That just makes me fuel with fury. I run.

"TRISS! TRIS COME OVER HERE!!" Tobias yells.

I run in the direction of the screaming until I find him wrestling 2 guys at once. One guys end away while Tobias socks the other in the stomach and he goes down like a pin.

I stretch my legs to run. All of a sudden something whirls behind him and hits him in the head.

I watch his eyes roll to the back of his head and fall.

"TOBIAS!" I screech.

I'm about to gallop to him but something grand ahold of my mouth and arms and yanks me away.

They take me to the same tan room I was in before and throw me down. I hear chuckles.

I stand up and right before me standing nice and tall are Christina and Luke.

"I think maybe I kicked that soccer ball to hard and knocked some sense out of her." Christina bickers.

"Did you really think you where gonna jump into prince abs arms and run away that easy."

"I was hoping." I say sarcastically.

Behind them are the table of purple and blue fluids that I saw before.

"And you wonder why I chose Tobias over you sorry piece of crap." I spit like venom.

"Oh please. Tobias will never love you. Your worthless. Just because you where dumb enough to leave me, you caused your friends hurt and pain. Exhibit A." He says while turning on a screen behind him.

On it lays Lynn on the floor passed out from where I hit her.

He holds up a remote control and presses a button. The blue pin in her neck rapidly starts blinking. Then it starts electrocuting her. She shivers and cries in pain.

"Lynn!" I shout.

I jump on him and snatch the remote out of his hand it throw it to the ground and it's breaks. Lynn stops moving.

I grab his hair and pull him to the ground and start violently kicking him.

Christiana throws herself at me and begins to stab me in my shoulder with her finger to make me pass out.

"Oh no honey not again." I say.

I duck down so she loses her hen and twist my hand to her face so hard you though a tree trunk cracked. She falls on top of David and I run out.

"I will find you Tobias. I will always find you."

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