chapter 10

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"Oppa, Its late already..lets go home." I said and he nodded.

It was a long silent before he then broke it. "Hyera ah, Do you love..V?" Out of a sudden, this question let out from his mouth which made me unable to answer.

"Its okay for not telling me.." he said, understanding my condition.

"I don't love him.." I said while staring at my feet.

I never love him. how can I be able to fall in love with someone who keep teasing and bullying me?



"We are here.." jimin announced. I looked upward and we already in fronts of taehyung's mansion or should it call my mansion too. All the way, I kept looking at my feet that I didn't notice we actually have arrived.

We entered the house and I made my way to my room. I also took a glance at the drunken taehyung who was sleeping on the sofa and couldn't help myself but to shook my head at him.

I entered my room and sat on the edge of the bed. Then, I took my phone out of my pocket and posted a pictures of me and jimin in the instagram.

"Hyera? Are you In there?" Suddenly I heard jimin calls my name "wae?" I replied him.

He twisted the door knob and stuck out his head.

"We're going now." Jimin oppa exclaimed.

"They're still drunk right?" I asked and he slightly shook his head. "They are not completely drunk. Except for Jungkook and V." he explained.

"Okay!! I will help you carry them into the car." I jumped out of the bed and walked with him downstairs, volunteered to help him carrying them into the car.

Their car was big enough to support 6 people. We put their hand on our shoulder and helped them walking. As we brought them to the car, they kept talking and singing nonsense.

Is this what jimin oppa called 'not completely drunk' huh?

"Thank you Hyera ah.."

I just nodded and smiled at him. I forrowed my eyebrows when he didn't move an inch but staring at me.

The way he stares at me make my face to slowly heating up. Just then, he took a step closer and little did I know, he landed a quick kiss on my right cheek, making my eyes enlarged by his sudden action.

what the heck is he doing?

"And thanks for today too.." he added while messing with my hair which I awkwardly fixing it back.

I looked normal in front of him but In my heart. I was shouting and screaming his name.

Did he just kissed me!!?

"Bye.." he said, waving his hand toward me which I awkwardly waved back.


I was thinking about the kiss that he did just now and felt my cheek was burning. I cupped both my cheeks before entering the house and locked the door.

I looked to the living room and sighed, only to see V who was still sleeping. I made my way toward him and sighed again as I looked surround him, bottles of empty soju, chicken and cushion were strewn all over the floor. I faced him back but the time I stared at him, my eyes couldn't move away.

WHAT! MARRY HIM?! {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now