16. You Lose Your Voice (CALM)

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"WAKE UP Y/N! ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!" Ashton burst into your room and threw open the curtains ushering in the sunlight which fell directly onto your face.

"..." You tried to yell at him for waking you up but nothing came out of your mouth, you clutched your throat in horror.

"I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast and if you don't hurry up they're going to get cold," Ashton didn't seem to notice your distress and started poking through your closet.

"...!" You tried to scream at him again but weird staticky noises came out of your throat and you stopped.

"I was thinking later that we could go the movies since Star Wars just came out," he continued oblivious to your ailment

You finally gave up on trying to speak and got up to go get his attention the hard way. Padding across the room you poked him square in the back and then crossed your arms as he turned around.

"What was that for? And why are you being so quiet?" Ashton asked still not understanding the issue. You rolled your eyes and pointed at your throat.

"OOH CHARADES I LOVE THIS GAME!" He squealed and you shook your head.

"Okay it's not something," Ashton guessed an you face-palmed.

"It's one of those expensive flat nosed cats, ooh! Grumpy Cat!" Ashton guessed and you shot him a look of pure disbelief. How did he not realize that you couldn't talk.

"Not grumpy cat?" He asked and you nodded, realizing that you were just going to have to go with it.

You put both hands around your neck and made the staticky sound to try and show that it was a real problem.

"A profound statement. Uh choking. You have something stuck in your throat. THAT THING YOU DO WHEN SOMEONE IS CHOKING TO MAKE THEM SPIT THE FOOD OUT!" Ashton yelled and it was clear that he wasn't going to guess correctly. You walked back over to your bed and grabbed your phone off of the nightstand to text him.

Y/N: I lost my voice stupid

Ashton raised an eyebrow at you when his phone vibrated but fished it out of his pocket anyway.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" He asked and you threw a pillow at him in frustration.

"Right sorry," Ashton grimaced, "how did it happen?"

Y/N: I don't know it was like this when I got up

Ashton read the text and shrugged, "Is anything else not working?"

You shook your head as you felt find besides the the whole voice thing.

"Well I guess that you're just gonna have to be quiet then," he chuckled and left the room walking down to the kitchen.

You watched him in disbelief before running after him he cannot just leave you there. When you reached the kitchen he was already eating and there was a plate for you, you shot him a glare before turning to your food.

"By the way, I was thinking of having the boys over later to watch some scary movies," he casually mentioned and you froze, you HATED horror movies and he knew it.

"Just say something if you don't agree," he smirked making your blood boil.

"...!" You began cursing him out but of course nothing came out and you knew that you couldn't stop him now.

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