Chapter 38

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Sorry for late chapter, but it's here!  Now onto the story...

Then, a knock from my door was heard from behind. It's probably Peter or Alexander reminding me to make breakfast.

But when I opened the door, I was only shocked. It wasn't Peter or Alexander. It wasn't any lost boy either...not even close. The person standing in front of me, was someone I never thought I would see again. Until now.


"Hello Amanda." She paused, a sweet smile laid on her lips.  "You've grown so much."

My mind suddenly flashed back to the devastating memory of my mom's past.  The last time I saw her in my dream, a ridiculous amount of bruises covered her, not to mention that she was also face down in the bath tub with stab wounds. 

"Is this real?" The question smoothly slipped out of my mouth.  This is just too surprising.  Way too unreal, as if this was a dream.  It was just hard to believe that mom was actually standing in front of me, still looking her best as if she was perfectly fine, no marks whatsoever on her body.  But how can this be possible if she's dead?

My mom, Kathy, softly chuckled.  "Yes, honey.  This is very real."  Her gentle voice seemed to send me shivers.

"H-How are y-you here?  How is it p-possible?" I stuttered uncontrollably, most likely out of shock.

"Just because I'm dead, doesn't mean everything is dead.  My spirit is very alive as you can see."  Kathy spun around in a circle like a child, indicating that her spirit is more alive then ever.  And it was true.  Her optimistic energy definitely filled the room at that moment.  But how could she look that happy when she's dead?

I'm alive and I don't even think I can be as optimistic as her.

"Also, Peter was the one who contacted me from the dead.  I don't know how he did it, maybe he used some spell, but he managed to contact my spirit.  Now, I'm here."  She added, saying her words fluently and gracefully. 

"So what you're telling me is're a spirit?" I asked, beginning to understand what exactly I was dealing with, a spirit.  Kathy nodded a 'yes' in response.  For whatever reason, a rush of delight overcame me, causing a smile to form on my lips.  I guess I managed calmed down and realized that I should be thrilled that my mom was her.

And boy, I was more than thrilled.  So thrilled, that I basically leaped onto her just to give her a hug.  I rested my head on top of her shoulder, feeling the secure rhythm of her heartbeat.  Just then, a sudden thought, or should I say a someone, popped into my brain.


Also known as, my mother's past lover.

And they are both here in Neverland.

"Oh my God!  Do the others know that you're here?  Does Alexander know that you're here?!" I asked Kathy in anticipation.  The thought of Alexander and Kathy reuniting after numerous years, made me dreadfully excited.  But then again, they kind of did get off on the wrong foot just before Kathy's death.

She chuckled once more before putting her arm around my shoulder.  "Come with me."

We both left the bedroom and made our way to the living room.  There, all the lost boys sat on the wooden floor just chit chatting, until they spotted both me and Kathy.  Alexander was the only lost boy sitting on the couch, his back only shown.  When Alexander saw the boys' gaze in our direction, he slowly turned his back and his eyes met our presence.

Alexander's expression was priceless when he noticed Kathy alive.  I don't think I have ever seen his eyes so wide open.

And I don't think I have ever seen him faint before.

Because just at that moment, he did indeed faint.

That's when Peter entered the room.

Peter only glanced at Alexander's body, which was now laying on the floor instead of the couch, before going getting a glass of water and splashing it onto Alexander's face, leading to an awoken and soaked Alexander.  This caused the boys to laugh their butts off, along with Kathy surprisingly.  Like I said, she seems very optimistic for a dead person.

"Alexander, don't faint again." Peter ordered least I think he was joking.

Alexander blinked a few times, adjusting himself from his abrupt collapse.  "Sorry, I just thought I saw...someone I knew." Alexander said, rubbing his hand against his wet hair.

"You mean someone like me?" Kathy questioned Alexander unexpectedly, almost producing another faint from Alexander.

"Is this real?" Alexander asked in very noticeable confusion.  Both Kathy and I laughed because that was my exact reaction as well.  My father and I are very much alike I suppose.

I walked over to Alexander and knelt down, since he was still on the floor.  "Alexander, Kathy really is here.  Well, it's her spirit, but she's still the same Kathy you knew and loved."

"Loves." Peter commented in the middle of nowhere.

"Huh?" Me, Kathy, and Alexander said in nearly perfect unison.

"Loves.  I corrected you." Peter stated towards me.  "Alexander still loves Kathy.  I can practically hear his heart beat louder than a drum."

Kathy's attention was then brought to Alexander, looking a bit timid after what Peter had claimed.  But I'm not surprised that Alexander still loves Kathy after she died.  I knew she meant a lot to him even though Alexander didn't make the best decisions in the past.

Kathy placed her hand gently on Alexander's cheek and whispered,  "Don't worry.  I still love you too."

Alexander then pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist.  His hand gently stroking her hair from behind.  This is truly a perfect moment.  A perfect moment for them and for me too.  Because just seeing curled up together, gave me the best feeling inside.

Then, I felt someones presence right behind me.  I was happy to see that it was Peter Pan.  Now, I was the one pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you." I said against his chest.  "For bringing her back...even though it's probably going to be temporary."

"I'm afraid it is...but you are very welcome." Peter placed a light kiss on my forehead.

All of our hugs finally broke apart when we soon realized how uncomfortable this must be for the rest of the lost boys just watching us hugging.

Kathy broke away from Alexander and walked over to Peter's direction.  "Oh and I want to thank you Peter, for bringing me back here temporarily.  Perfect timing to do what needs to be done."  The last thing she said caught my attention.

"Perfect timing to do what?" I asked out of the blue.

"To do this." Kathy took her hand and literally pushed it into her chest.  When her hand was finally pulled out of her chest, a glowing heart was laid inside it.  Her heart.  But something was different about her heart.  It wasn't a glowing red  like a normal heat, it was the color gold.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I want to give this to you." She took a step towards me with her heart pounding cupped in her hands.  Now I know what's going on.  She knows that a heart from one of my parents is the last key ingredient to the cure that allows me to stay in Neverland.  That allows me to live in Neverland.  But if I take it, what will happen to her?

"What will happen to you if I take it?" I asked in concern, making sure that it won't effect her negatively.

"Nothing will happen to me.  I am already dead after all.  My heart is just another part of my body." She said, putting her beating heart into my hands.

I gazed down at the glowing heart.  "So does that mean I can stay here in Neverland?"

"Not exactly..."


Thank you for those still keeping up with this story!

Wishing all love.

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