Bee Gees

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^tip toe-ing away


"Hi there! May I come in?" I say cheerfully as soon as Nick opened the door.

I pushed past him and forced the door closed, turning then to smile sheepishly at him.

Nick was inoffensive. He idolatries me because I was once his therapist one night and he spilled his whole life to me  and I gave him some tips that 'changed his whole life' as he claims they did and he now truly believes that I'm some intellectual person with an exciting life and perfect everything.

This guy needs to get out more, but right now, I'm grateful he's obsessed with me.

I take a better look at him and see him trembling with joy like some chihuahua and didn't know if he should shake my hand or hug me and hi just did some awkward hand gestures until I pulled him in a hug and kissed his cheek.

"How have you been doing Nick? Everything good?" I ask, getting my shoes off

"Yeah. I made your advice my priority and now most things go well. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me!" He rambles excitedly taking my coat off.

"That was ages ago! But thank you for remembering my advice. I hear everything's going well with Michael?"

"Yeah, he has been a sweetheart and we're getting married next month. I would like to ask you to come as well... If you don't mind" he got out fast, blushing a bit.

"If course, just send me a text with the details and I'll see if I can come."

Now I feel bad for ringing him up only when I need something from him so ugh... I will try to be a better friend in the future and perhaps I'll get him a fancy wedding present to make up for it.

He just nodded, smiling like crazy, hanging my coat.

"Come in, I made tea"

I so love this guy


It's 4 in the morning and I can't sleep.

Their couch is extremely glossy and I keep sliding off of it so I couldn't find a secure and comfortable position to relax in, so here I am on a stool in the kitchen scrolling through my friends' Facebook  profiles, bored out of my mind.

I thought about giving Leo a ring, or even Dante, but the crazy idea left me as soon as it came, but what if...

I opened my contacts and opened Leo's info, staring at his goofy face.

I stare for a couple of minutes, then I hear footsteps outside the door

I stop breathing shortly, then I don't hear anything else.

I sigh.

It must be parano-

The lock starts jiggling, the handle being proved as well.

This is definitely not paranoia.

I look down at my phone and stare at Leo's face, no longer funny to me.

I dial the number, not taking my eyes off the jiggling lock.

At the first ring I hear Bee Gees blaring outside the door and a couple of muffled curses and clothing shuffling.

They're here.

I hang up and then lightly run towards door, gently pick up my heels and coat, lightly cursing my choice of shoes and clothing, then rushing back to the kitchen, opening the window extremely slowly.

I put on my coat and button it, then soundlessly get outside.

This part was extremely risky as they are just around the corner and the slightest mistake can get me caught.

So I must silent as a cheetah stalking its prey.

Silent as a Jaguar engine on the highway.

Silent as a-


My phone vibrated, announcing my ringtone.

I quickly scramble for it and as soon as my ringtone blared, I silenced it

A tiny bit of sound got out at first, thing that might startle the boys, but after a couple of seconds, I sighed and continued to tip toe towards the elevator.

I had 2 seconds to get in and disappear as soon as it got to my floor as it makes the loudest sound known to man when it arrives.

I wait a second, glancing frantically between the elevator doors and the way I came from.


I internally groaned, jumped inside and repeatedly pressed the Lobby button, trying to rush the machine.

I saw Leo pop his head around the corner, curious about the sound,be then then saw me and started running, which resulted in me pressing the button to no end again.

The doors started closing, but I got to get a glimpse of a confused  Dante and a desperate,running Leo before I was safe.

I high fived myself, then heard a loud bang on the other side of the door.

I guess Leo didn't manage to stop in time.

Every floor felt like hell.

I could feel myself getting caught.

And that's never good.

I managed to put my shoes on while in there, not prepared to run barefoot on concrete and stuff.

I was pretty good at running with heels anyway, so there's no harm.

As soon as the doors opened, I made a run for it, but a pair of strong arm caught me and slammed me back against a wall as soon as I set foot outside.

The air was knocked out of me,making me wheeze,then fall to the ground, my arm still firmly held by the man.

I  faintly heard hurried footsteps on metallic stairs, rushing down.

That made me try to get up and run again, but the arm holding me still just squeezed in warning.

I sigh and then try to stand again, seeing that my tights were ripped in one knee from the fall just now.

Just great.

"Chill. I won't run again" I murmur, making the man reluctantly remove his hand from mine.

I slowly rise,rubbing the back of my neck as I just hit it when I collided with the wall.

Noticing one more pair of black dress shoes in front of me I look up and see a fuming Dante, just that he was glaring at the man beside me, not at me surprisingly.

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