What A Wreck

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~Alex's POV~

 Bryan gets closer to the car with Kyle. I quickly make myself look normal and take a deep breath.

The door opens and Bryan takes the drivers seat, Kyle takes the passenger.

"What happened?" Bryan asks.

"Huh? Oh nothing...just wasn't feeling well," I say. I lie about myself so much.

"Oh...You ok now?" Kyle asks.

"Yeah totally! Just had a headache," I say trying to sound more upbeat so it was more convincing. They buy it, easily. Bryan starts the car and heads to Kyle's house. I really didn't want to see or even speak to Johnnie. I was going to my room immediately. We drop off and start driving to Bryan's place.

We arrive and Johnnie was already there. We walk inside and I walk past the living room where he sat. I went into the guest bedroom and close the door. Tears fall from my face. I  walk into the bathroom and search for some type of rope. Coincidentally I find a rope. Seems sturdy enough. I attach it to a latch on the ceiling and tug. It would work. I stand on the chair tying the noose around my neck and I gulp.

~Johnnie's POV~

I get up. I have to explain. I have to try. I walk towards the guest bedroom. I hear a large thud and run and open the door. Her body swinging from the ceiling and the chair on the other side of the room. I run and grab the chair to try and save her. I take it off and carry her in my arms. Blood was running through her jams and her body was almost stiff and lifeless.

"BRYAN!" I shout teary eyed. I had left my phone.

"D-DIAL 911!" He comes into the room and gasps quickly dialing the number.

"God damn it Alex...what'd we discuss!?" I say crying. I hear the sirens blare down the streets. They take Alex away and I'm left on the porch to cry. I sit on the steps and bury my face in my hands. I sob.

I can't believe I had sex with Jetty. I let her do it. After all Alex has been through. This triggered it all. It ended it all. God damn she better be ok. I am so stupid. I continue crying on my porch. I finally get up going back inside, nobody can know. I give up on sleep. I contemplating tweeting it out. I couldn't do that. I lay awake in bed. Tears filled my face, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I love her. I truly do. I had messed up and left a serious impact this time.

~Bryan's POV~

Why had Alex done this to herself? I wince walking into the room to clean it up. She had attempted suicide. What was the reason? I doubt Johnnie would be up at 3 am. Oh  who am I kidding he probably is. I wonder if he knew what happened. I finish cleaning with a bit of tears dry on my face. I knock on his door.

I open it without permission. I gasp.

"J-Johnnie?" I call out. He was making holes in the walls with his fists.


"Johnnie.." I say inching closer to try and calm him. He throws a book at me. It hits me making me stumble backwards.

"JOHNNIE! BRO CALM YOURSELF DAMN!" I shout. I get closer and lay my hand on his shoulder. He had one hand clenched into a fist and he was looking down crying.

He turned slapping me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE. FUCK OFF!" He shouts in my face.

"I-I'm trying to help dude. Calm down," I say.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! YOU DON'T HELP ANYONE! GO THE FUCK AWAY BRYAN!" He shouts. The words sting and I am pissed.

"FINE FUCK YOU JOHNNIE! JUST DON'T ASK ME FOR HELP WHEN YOU RERALIZE YOU FUCKED UP AND KILLED ALEX!" I shout. I cover my mouth. I had just said the one thing that I shouldn't of. Oh fuck.

"J-Johnnie...I-I'm so so-" I begin. "GO AWAY YOU'RE ONLY MAKIS THIS WORSE!"

I had fucked up. I leave closing the door. I hear thumps. He was throwing shit around in his room and I sigh.

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