Chapter Six: Dodgeball

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Chapter Six: Dodgeball

The next day, (Y/N) headed to school, wondering if Gohan actually liked her. But then again, he was dating Videl, the daughter of the famous Hercule Satan. Right? Which boy wouldn't give his right arm to date her? She was the inheritor of his money, after all. Imagine a future of endless riches!

She walked up to her locker and gathered her books for class when Videl walked up to her.

"Hi. You must be Gohan's friend," she chirped all friendly-like.

"You too," (Y/N) said with a dazzling - but very fake - smile.

"I think you're in my P.E. class. Am I right?" Videl asked.

"Yeah," (Y/N) replied.

Just then, the bell rang, signalling that classes were going to start soon.

"See you later!" Videl said, waving as she rushed off.

"Same here!" (Y/N) said with a wave.



In gym class, the teacher announced that they were going to play dodgeball, the most dreaded game of all in P.E.. Who in their right mind wants to get their face hit and possibly rearranged by a mere dodgeball?

The teacher blew the whistle and the game begun as all the athletic kids grabbed the balls.

(No, not that kind of ball! I mean dodgeball!)

(Y/N) dodged most of the balls and began to catch and throw the balls. She was starting to think it was a lot of fun when...


(Y/N) turned around and saw Videl holding a ball in her hands. A smirk was on her face. Then, with all her might, she threw it hard in (Y/N)'s direction. The ball landed right in her face!

"Oopsies! I'm sorry!" Videl apologised, sarcasm evident in her voice.

(Y/N) staggered to the bleachers, but her legs felt all squishy like jelly. The room around her seemed to be spinning like a crazy carousel. Everyone's voices seemed to be really far away, like an echo.

"Oh nooooooo! I think she's huuuuurt!"

"Someone get the teacherrrrrr!"

Then, (Y/N)'s vision blurred as her legs gave way before she slipped into a world of darkness.


When she began to wake up, she found out that she was in the nurse's office. Her head was hurting and she was starting to wonder how long had she been out cold.

"You're awake."

She turned her head to her right.

It was Gohan.

"I heard about everything that happened in the gym," he continued, "Are... are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess..." (Y/N) answered, "It's just that my head hurts..."

"I'll go get the nurse," he said, getting up.

"No! It's fine," (Y/N) said and grabbed his arm.

The speed that she grabbed him made him jerk a little and he fell on top of her. He lifted up his face and was just inches away from hers. She could feel his breath on her face ever so slightly, like the spring wind. Both of them blushed slightly in response. To her surprise, he moved his face closer to hers.

The nurse entered the office and Gohan jolted up and immediately sat up straight. (Y/N) felt slightly disappointed.

"You were out for a few hours, but you're fine," the nurse said, "You just need some rest. You're set to go home."


Gohan was sending (Y/N) home again by flying. He was carrying her bridal style as they soared above the ground. Silence filled the air.

"Arigato for sending me home," (Y/N) said, breaking the awkward tension.

"No problem," he said, smiling down at her.

Finally, they reached (Y/N)'s house and he landed on the ground gently before setting her down.

"See you tomorrow," (Y/N) said and with a wave of her hand, "Bye."

"Bye," he said and waved and flew off into the sky again.

A/N: Apologies for the short and crappy chapter! Anyway, Happy New Year!

A/N #2: Hmph. This was slightly shorter, but oh well. (I'm actually criticising my own writing lmao XD)

Edited on: 25 July 2016

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