Contest 7

92 3 12

As it is almost half way through the school year, I decided on stop bullying. I'd does not matter the perspective if the story, victim, bystander, bully, etc. the due date is going to be January 10th, 2016. If there are not at least 3 entries, it will be extended by five days, and so on.

This story can already be published, or you can start a new one. You can submit by putting the link or name of your story in the comment section. Or you can Private Message me.

To enter Just copy the link to your story and put in the comments section. If you cannot do that you can just put the name of the story and I'll find it.

1. You may not submit a story more than once. You may only submit one story each.
2. Please try to submit nothing more than 15 chapters and 30,000 words. If you do happen to submit a story more than this, I will stop after the 15th chapter. Try to keep each chapter around 2,000 words.
3. Please keep everything PG, but PG-13 will be accepted in some cases that will be clarified.
4. Your story can already be written. It does not have to be finished.

1st place: Your story will be put into my my reading list of winners, you get a vote and follow from me. I will also give you a shout out on my profile and stories that I am currently working on and most popular story. You also will be able to help judge the next contest, although if you choose this, you may not enter.
2nd place: Your story will be put into my reading list of winners, you get a follow and vote from me. You also will get a shout out on my profile.
3rd place: Your story will be put into my reading list of winners, and you get a vote in your story. You also get a follow from me
Honorable mentions: Your story will be put into my reading list of honorable mentions. You will also get a follow from me.

Tell your friends and followers about this to have a bigger contest.

Good luck to everyone!

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