Bright Ball of Light

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Every day waking up with faded rays of sun ,
With Shining Clusters of light in my eyes.
Every day working hard for it I learned,
Achieving a bright ball of light is wise.

Ready to face any defeat until I achieve my goal.
By following the spark in my eyes,
That faded ray of light just brightened up my soul.

Walking on that thin line of hope,
I am balancing myself 50 feet above the ground.
Falling down getting up I am trying to cope,
As the way passed, I attract more toward the problems is what I found.

Thought society make mankind wise,
that's why, following that path I think I can rise.
Who knew I can get pushed back.
thrown back to the start I came from,
as they think of something I lack.
I asked myself "which way was wrongly formed ? ".

Standing in the beginning,
watching the long way to go.
Fear of falling or staring it is again is threatening,
That feeling of sadness you will never know.

On my way collecting every broken piece of my soul.
I started my new journey,
Making new palaces of memories, differ from the one which were stole.

Still having faded memory helping me on my way goal,
Faded colors shinning the truth of my life,
That truth's my family and family like friends with having a second wheel of my life under control.

That cold like fear is no more.
Realising the importance of closed once,
Blocking me from achieving my goal is that one last door.

Looking all around, every corner every soul.
The key for it is what I am still finding.
The last piece of the puzzle for achieving my successful goal.

That sudden push given by life, my mind wakens up,
An idea, a thought, a place for finding my Key.
Running for that last puzzle piece, that last tear drop I cleaned up.

With memories of past and decisions of today, that future I mould.
The key for that last door was always with me, pending to be crafted.
Creating a key for it, many things I learned, waiting to be told,
The stories I made in this play called life, with those bare hands I drafted.

Those present decisions are the key, hiding in the back store.
Importance to open that last door.
The happiness of which making me blind was in front of my sight
By having the glance of my enlightened soul is now titled
"The Bright Ball Of Light"

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