#56 - Rocky Lynch

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I lived for it. The rumble of the crowd the moment you stepped into that arena. KOs. Blood, sweat and tears all mixed in that ring.

And that was my life. I was reduced to a piece of meat, living off boxing in Japan to feed myself and my little brother after they turned us away.

Today was just like any other match night. I slept until noon, ate a lot, worked out and was now sat in this ring, beat and bruised whilst people tended to my bleeding nose and Ross yelled tactics at me.

I pushed his face away gently as the crowd begged for more bloodshed and stood to face my opponent, the pain so intense that my vision was took over by stars. He punched me, and I stumbled back.

"Rocky! Do something!" My brother panicked. I understood him.

If I didn't win these 10k, we would be out in the streets by noon with people after us. My brother wasn't one to make wise decisions, but it didn't mean that I would turn him away the same way my parents did to us.

I regained balance, hitting the man before me with a sharp jab, followed by an uppercut.


All it took was another series of the latter and a strong hook to have the man fall at my feet, knocked out. It only sunk it when my team ran on the ring to celebrate with me, pouring champagne on me - it stung.

As we celebrated, my eyes landed on a blonde around my age, walking out with two men way older than her. She flashed me a brief smile, then slipped out the door.

"You did it! Nice!" Ross congratulated me. "Now go shower, you smell and look pretty bad."

I chuckled. "Yes sir."


I tied the towel around my hips, walking out of the hotel room assigned to us for the night. "My nose, it's on fire - who's this?"

"I don't know, and I don't really care." Ross stared at the jaw-dropping femme sat on the chest of drawers. I remembered her from the match, the girl walking out with those men.

She smiled. "Karsyn Lahey. Mike Lahey's daughter."

"Wait, the Mike Lahey?"

"Yeah. He assigned me to come watch your match with a couple of his friends; he wants to sponsor you. 40k a month." She said as if it were nothing. It probably wasn't for her, as she had a Rolex on her wrist that could probably pay for this hotel.

Ross almost fell off the chair he was on. "Girl, you're surprise after surprise. But what's the catch, there's always a catch."

"There aren't any. Just the standard contract - stay away from drugs, don't be a dickhead, do your bit and he'll do his." I could swear she winked at me.

Ross smirked at the sudden rise in temperature in the room.

But there sure was a catch. And I only realised what it was when she was smoking an after-sex cigarette with me.

The catch was her.

sex, drugs and boxing this one is

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