Chapter 3 : not my type

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Your POV
"Shut up..let me drive peacefully.." He said.
In the car...we stay in's better like this...I don't want to talk anything..
15 minutes later we arrived at the was so big!!!!!!! Oh gosh..
"I know it's big..and not as big as your house" he said sarcastically
This guy..!!! Urghhh I hate him more and more every second
"Whoaaaa!!!!! X-Box...PS3... And.." I said excitedly.
"Don't dare to touch's don't deserve to play this"he said.
"Ok fine...I don't like it tho" I said.
Ok..I know I'm a girl..but I love to play games..
"So you sleep in that room and..wait..what?!! Just one room?!!!!!!" He shocked.

Baekhyun POV
Ok I remembered.. Dad build this villa just for me it does make sense it has just one room..
"You sleep in the couch..I sleep in that room" I said.
"What?!! You letting a girl sleep on the should sleep on the couch..." She said.
"Who's villa is this?" I asked.
"You" she said.
"So just follow my instruction then" I said.
"Ok fine....urghhhh I hate're such a kid that loves money than're not even a gentlemen.." She said.
"Then why you agree with this?" I asked.
" stay away from me" she said.
Hahaha she's cute,..but she's not my type...I know..he just want my money tho...hahahaha..or maybe she just want to sleep with me...come on ..all girls wants me..because I'm too hot hahahaha.

Your POV
He's stupid..I hate him..ok ..ok..relax.. I need to change I need to make a plan..first..let's just follow what he wants...then I make a move.
"Whatever it're not my type and...I want you to know..I like more sexy girls...and sorry you're too innocent..." He said sarcastically
"Ahh so..your type a slut or something?!! Hahahaha that's why you become a bastard now..and just acting to be a rich son..such a jerk" I said sarcastically.
"Shut up clean yourself...I will cook something for us" he said.
What?!! Haha change to a kind boy huh.
"Don't misunderstand..I do this just because I don't want you to die at my luxury house.."he said.
Oh god!!!! I want to kill him right away!!!!
"Luxury house?! Go to hell!!! This is not's your father" I said .
"Can you watch out your mouth..does your mom doesn't teach you." He said.
How dare he said that?!!!!
"Don't dare to talk about my mom!!!" I cried.
I run to the garden behind this's beautiful... It's a peace here...I don't want to see him...
5 minutes later~
I can feel someone behind me..
"Hmm I'm sorry about that.." He said.
I remained in silence.
"I'm sorry ,..but where is your mom?" He asked.
"None of your business" I said.
" ok ok..calm down...let's eat..I cook something" he said.

Author : ok ..I will continue it tomorrow...wait ok vote my fanfic :)

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