Chapter 35

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Summer's POV:

Me, Aniqa, Ibrahim and Arif were at his house. Well, it's more like a mansion seeing as he is a very successful footballer.

It's beautiful, huge, has 3 floors and a swimming pool and a pitch in the back. It also has balconies and statues with lights everywhere. Right now, Aniqa and Arif are sat on two chairs and me and Ibrahim are standing on the balcony, talking.

"So you have 2 kids?"
"Yeah, 1 boy and 1 girl. They're twins."
"What are their names?"
"Amelia and Haider."
"Nice names." He nodded staring at his beautiful swimming pool which I noticed was the same blue as his eyes.
"How old are you?" He asked.
"I'm 23."

"You idiot!" I screamed when Ibrahim got pizza all over my shirt.
"Sorry." I heard Aniqa and Arif laugh.
"You will be." I muttered and threw a slice at his smug face. After 5 minutes, we were having a full-on food fight. Then, someone walked in.

"Ibra- WHAT ON EARTH?" A beautiful 40 ish year old woman walked in. He gasped.
"Mum, what are you doing here?"
"Rude." She retorted.
"I thought you were in Turkey."

"No. Anyway, why is there food everywhere?"
He sheepishly explained, leaving me out if it which I looked at him gratefully for and I went home as his Mum made him clean everything. Bless.

Ibrahim's POV:

I'm finally done and as I laid in my bed, I thought about Summer. I swear, she's different. She's funny, childish and beautiful. Perfect for me. But she's married. She doesn't seem to want me for my money.

What if she's still in love with this Ali-Nooh guy? He was her first love. But I think I'm falling for her. If only she felt the same for me.

Summer's POV:

Today I felt something. Something odd. A spark, a spark with Ibrahim. Like a connection. Like I've known him forever. Like I feel something for him. Then I smiled.

If only I knew how he felt about me. I could get Arif to find out seeing as they're good friends. I fell asleep, imagining his blue eyes. Creepy.

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Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora