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Samantha's POV.


That's the only thing I heard from all around me.

I tried to move my body, but I felt pain consume me. I was scared. I couldn't move or open my eyes no matter how hard I tried, I failed to do so.

I was placed in a soft bed, by whom I don't know; and that scared me. I wanted to know more. Why can't I get up?

The voices suddenly became closer and I heard breathing. I was curious as to why I was here. Where the hell was I? I couldn't remember anything other than two vampires fighting over me before everything went black.

Wait vampires? Oh my gosh, shit!

I shot up from the bed, panting, gasping for immediate air into my lung. My eyes widen, then squinted to adjust to the darkness. I'm having a panic attack. I struggled to breath, gasping hurriedly for air.

I scanned my eyes around the dark room, trying to locate any form of life. I was unfortunate enough to find none. I opened my mouth to scream as I noticed my arms and feet tied together. Damn.

What the hell? Where am I? What happened to me? Why do I feel pain all over my body?

A million and one questions overtook my mind as I started to cry.

I sat there for five minutes, crying. Until I heard it. Screams. It came from a woman.

I scrambled off the bed with such a speed that I almost fissed the tiled floor.


I jumped to the nearest window trying to get it open but failed miserably. It was locked.

Suddenly I heard knocking on my door, I jumped and hid behind the huge closet.

I feared whatever or whoever was at the door.

It was deadly silent.

I shivered as the cold night air hit my skin. I saw that I was wearing PJ shorts and a top.

What th-.

The door slammed open so loudly that it broke the hinges. I was terrified.

I came face to face with a man that I have never seen before. God help me. I couldn't scream because I was panicking, he was covered in all over black.

"Hello, you must be Samantha." he smiled.

I'm doomed!


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