Chapter 2

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The jump from my window wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, the real problem was not getting caught as I sprinted across the back lawn. People littered around, talking, laughing. The little kids played tag with each other, not a care in the world. I didn't have time to enjoy the feelings of outside that I had missed, nor did I have time to envy the care free lives everyone besides me seemed to have. I had to turn my head multiple times, jumping out of my skin when I thought I heard people coming.

Without turning back, I ran as fast as I could, knowing that eventually someone would catch me. As soon as I heard the footsteps coming behind me, I shifted, my clothes shredding around me. My legs pumped as my paws made their way through the snow, hurriedly trying to get away from my past. Yelling could be heard from behind me, and I sped up.

The distinct calls from Dylan could be heard from miles away, he shouted for me to come back, in less polite terms. My brother almost sounded desperate, but I knew that is was only because he wanted his punching bag back. Hearing his yells fade away, I knew he was falling behind, but still, I couldn't chance it. The crunching sounds of leaves and twigs would give away my path, so I tried to cross through the trees, mixing up my scent.

As night fell, I was surprised that I was still alive. I could have only ran for a few hours at the most, they should have been able to catch me by now. I cowered into a small cave, not changing back, realizing that my only pair of clothes were littered on the pack grounds. Sighing, I realized that I was not well prepared at all.

I was now living without any clothes or food. Just thinking about something to eat made my stomach grumble. Closing myself into a ball, I prayed for sleep to come and take me away, if only for a few minutes. It never came. God damn. With nothing else to do, I jumped up, scouring the area, looking for a rabbit, berries at least. Anything to stop my hunger.

I froze as I heard twigs snap behind me. Paranoia and dread filled me as I once again, ran for my life. My beating heart was all I heard as I raced through the wilderness, trying to shake my follower off my trail. My blind terror was making me reckless as I bounded through the grass, nearly running into trees.

My wolf senses sharpened my sight and hearing, but did nothing to sharpen my brain. The one thing on my mind was the fact that I could die. I escaped that hell hole only to die? I knew I wasn't going to take that as an answer. Janie Reynolds was not going to die from being out in the wilderness alone. I would make sure of that.

Eventually the only sounds I could hear were the swooshing of the river I decided to drink from. The only problem I was now faced with was the need for food and shelter. My stomach was still grumbling from earlier. Even through my fur, I could tell it was getting colder, too cold to handle without heat.

I mentally slapped myself for being so underprepared in my wanting to get out of the pack house. For now, running seemed like the only option, all I wanted was to get as far away from California as I possibly could, and start fresh. A nineteen year old with a fresh start sounded like a dream to me, so, I sprinted to freedom.


It has been at least three days since I left my house. I have traveled through so many states, it seems like I should be on the other side of the world, but so far, I am only in Virgina. I haven't decided where I really wanted to go yet but, somehow I felt drawn to Maine, like I was needed there.

Here and there, I have found food, more than I had usually gotten before, which surprised me. How little food had I been receiving? Had they been trying to starve me? I guess I didn't see how bad it had really gotten at home.

North Carolina, New York, Maryland, and so many more boundaries were passed by me. Never once did it cross my mind that I shouldn't be running through all of these states in my werewolf form, but I haven't sifted back since the first day. I didn't really know any places where I could make myself at home, I was never really too aware of the werewolf community outside of my pack, only because my father liked to shield me from the outside world.

I wasn't even sure if there were any packs besides the few I have seen in California. So many questions filtered through my mind but something made me come to an abrupt halt. Skidding across the ground, I shook my head. The thing I just saw must have been my imagination. Still, I checked. Call me crazy, but I knew that it was bad.

I shifted back, making sure my wolf wasn't playing tricks on me. I wish that would have been the case. The tree that it was stapled on was not the only one. How blind could I have been to not see all of the warnings, all of the things I did wrong. Those days ago, when I thought to leave all of my dangers behind, I threw myself into something worse, much worse.

How stupid could I have been, to let it get this bad? Was this really the result of me escaping torturous abuse?

I spun around, pinching myself, hoping it was a dream. My breaths came in hazed puffs, I clutched my throat, desperate for air. The picture cluttered my brain, the words filling my heart. Sinking down to my knees, I came to the realization of what my life had become. Why hadn't I seen this coming? Nothing good would ever come out of my life, and someone had finally realized it. I laughed. I was finally the useless person that my father claimed me to be.

I was wanted.

Dead or alive.


Ekkk! Here it is, the second chapter!
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