To Forgive or Not To Forgive

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Question: Do you think it's okay to forgive someone who has hurt you a lot even if everyone tells you not to?

People should always be given a second chance and maybe even a third one but sooner or later they'll run out of chances. A few people believe to have the ability to hurt others without having any consequences to them. That's completely wrong, no one gets away with everything.

I think it's ok to forgive someone to a certain extent. It's ok to let go of the anger and the grudge but that doesn't mean you have to go back to them. Whether it's relationship or friendship wise.

If a boyfriend or girlfriend hurt you badly, you can forgive them but you don't need to get back with them. You can possibly even be friends with them but that's all. It's best if you move on and find someone who will treat you right and who'll make you feel like the most precious gift on earth.

If a friend or best friend hurt you, you can forgive them but you don't have to be their friend anymore. How are you suppose to be friends with someone who did something selfish and didn't care about the friendship in the first place? Things aren't that easy, I wish they were but they're not.

It's true that you need to consider others but you also need to think about yourself. It's not selfish. You're just looking out for yourself. Ask yourself a question; are they really worth it? Have they proven you to really care about you? Will they stop hurting you?

During these times, all you have to think about is about your feelings. No one else really matters. At the end of it all, you're the one who will either suffer or be happy.

In my own personal opinion, forgive but don't forget. Does that make sense? Like I said, let go of the anger but don't run back to the person who hurt you. They ruined it by hurting you. They should've thought things before being selfish.

"No one knows what they have until it's gone"

If you have anymore questions, please don't be afraid to ask :) Please don't let anyone mistreat you, you don't have to put up with it nor go back to the suffering.

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