Chapter 37

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Summer's POV:
1 week later.

"Get up, Summer, we're going." Aniqa exclaimed.
"Where?" I asked.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out."
"I haven't been to Ali-Nooh's grave, though!" It was already 8 and I hadn't visited.
"Sorry, it'll have to wait for another hour or so." I reluctantly put on my coat and we drove.

"Aniqa, I thought you're my friend! Where are we going?"
"I am. I can't tell you, it's a surprise."
"Yes, but what is it?"
"A surprise!" She said, turning into an empty street.

"You better not be planning on killing me."
"Or what?"
"I'll tell Arif."
"I'll tell A- Sorry, I forgot, I'm being careless."

"No, it doesn't matter. Ali is gone now, I need to move on even if I will always have a few feelings towards him. I need to continue with life even without love."
"I'm glad to hear you say that." She said, grinning and pulled over.

We arrived in a beautiful park. It had lush green grass, a beautiful blue pond. There were no swings or slides but instead, fairy lights on the trees and flowers everywhere.
There was a glass stand that I found after following a trail of white rose petals held a small velvet box.

"I could've sworn my birthday is in May not April." I said, looking around at the beauty.
"Well, it's not MY birthday present to you."
"Who's it from then?" Aniqa just smirked and walked away.

"Aniqa, come back!" I saw her sit in the car and sighed. What was I meant to do now, on my own, in a beautiful but unknown to me, park?
I looked around, it was at least an hours drive and now that it's 9 and April, silver stars peppered the navy blue sky. The fairy lights shone and the pure rose petals glittered. Wow.

Suddenly, a man came from behind the glass stand.
"Who are you?" I asked, suspicious.
"Ibrahim." He replied softly and I noticed his blue eyes. I looked at him. His eyes, hair and nose looked even better in the suit he was wearing. He swiftly picked up the velvet box and got down on one knee.

"Before you say anything, both of our parents have agreed to me asking and everything will be official as soom as you say something."
I just gulped and nodded when he opened up the box to reveal a very expensive, beautiful looking diamond ring.

"Summer Rasool. Would you do me the honour of becoming Summer Khan and marrying me?" I drew in my breath and got my answer ready...

Ring on the side.
What do you think she will say? Do you like his proposal?
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Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora