Chapter 38

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Summer's POV:

"Yes." I said, calmly.
"Yes, I will marry you." Ibrahim smiled and picked up my hand. He tried to put the ring on my left ring finger but it was occupied.
"Umm, Summer, shall I take Ali-Nooh's off?"

I hesitated. And put out my right hand.
"No, you can put it on this hand." I said. I saw hurt flash across his blue eyes but he quickly masked it and slid my ring on.

Suddenly I heard cheering and my whole family ran out, screaming in excitement. Ibrahim seemed emotionless for a minute or two but he quickly snapped into reality.

My parents drove me home and we all fussed over my ring and the pictures of the park. It was 10pm and I realised something.
For the first time in 1 and a half years, I haven't visited Ali-Nooh's grave! I shoved on my coat and ran to the private graveyard.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." I whispered. The person a few graves away, gave me a small nod as she knew this was a family graveyard amd she was probably related to Ali somehow.

I put down my flowers. White roses this time. I cleared my throat.
"Ali, I have some news. Today, I was proposed to by Ibrahim Khan. Yes, the famous footballer. I don't really know what he sees in me but I have always felt a spark with him. A spark that I thought only me and you could have. So now, we're enagaged. Don't worry, I'm still wearing our ring. I'm wearing both. And I just want to say I'm sorry even though I know you will forgive me for moving on. Ali, you have to understand I'm moving on because you're dead. Gone and never coming back. Bye." I got up and walked away.

The next day.
"Haiider! Ameliaaa!" My two beautiful children ran into my arms and we sat on the sofa. There was a knock and the door and Ibrahim walked in.

"Hey, Haider, Amelia. Hi, Summer. Um, I was just wondering if you'd be okay with having the engagement party in 2 weeks." I nodded.
Me and Ali-Nooh did it that quickly. Then, I watched Ibrahim play with my children. He was great with them both. He would make an amazing step-dad.

"So, when are we getting married?"
"Um, 6 months." He said.
"Cool." I got up to lay out some food for him. As I walked out of the kitchen, I dropped the cake.
"Oh, CRAP!" I yelled. About 5 seconds later, Ibrahim was by my side and cleaning up the mess.
"Clumsy girl."
"Shut up."
"Make me." I blushed when he smirked his evil little smirk.

Soo, what do you think. Sorry Prude_and_proud AKA Evil Queen. And AASIAkhalif better be happy now.
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Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora