Chapter 3- The Ampora Residence

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AUTHOR'S NOTE : Sorry if Meenah's speech was sucky in the last chapter! Along with changing the 's' to 'th' in the re-write of chapter 1. Anyway, enjoy!

Cronus' POV

I took another drag or my cigarette as I flipped through a couple more channels. Nothing good seemed to be on tv today, what a shame. I placed my cancer stick back between my lips, slightly chewing on it and I continued to channel surf.

Eridan walked in as melodramatic as ever, looking over at me and his faced scrunched up in disgust.

"Don't smoke those fucking coffin nails when we're about to eat!"

I rolled my eyes as I crushed the end of my cig into the small ashtray that sat on the coffee table.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

He huffed as he sat down next to me, he smelled like that perfume his ex used to drown herself in.

"Still wearing her perfume?"

"Shut up," He snapped, his eyes traveled to the ashtray which was filled with cigarette buds. "I thought dad told you to quit smoking."

I laughed, "Yeah and he told he to get a fucking Mercedes but guess what? I own a Yamaha."

My brother mumbled, "Im surprised dad hasn't ordered yoh to throw the damn thing away yet."

I rolled my eyes, "Please, the old man knows I wouldn't do it even if he threatened my life."

My brother sighed, "You're so damn stubborn."

"I learned from the best!", I piped.

Eridan hummed, "Did you?"

I swallowed spit that began to build up. My throat turned numb.

My voice was dry and quiet, "Yeah, from mom."

Eridan didn't respond, the two of us stayed in a tense silence for what felt like an eternity.

"Do you think she would be proud of us?", my brothers voice trembled ever so lightly as those cruel words escaped his lips.

Would she? I wouldn't think so, we haven't turned out to her expectations. Whatever they may be, but I know for certain she wouldn't be proud. Her two sons are almost always on their own while her husband slaves away at work, barely spending a second out of his office.

I shrugged my shoulder, "I dunno." He hummed in response.

I could tell he was answering his own question in his own mind. But was there even a point to it anymore? To this 'family'? I wouldn't think so, but we're just those people. Ya know, those people who will always hide behind an invisible mask that only they see. Those people you think you know only before life becomes to much to handle and then it's like you never knew them to begin with. Those people who always laugh or smile but end up thinking of committing suicide and maybe even trying. Yeah, we're those people.

I can't say I'm proud of being who I am, I never could. But people always look for the easy way out, and to us; it's just easier to keep this mask that hides our true feelings. It's just easier to put up an act, to tell a lie, then admit to anything.

I've been, no we, we've been this way almost our entire lives. It's a little to late to turn back now, at least in my eyes.

"Your an asshole Cro."

"Yeah, you too."

I looked over at the forgotten cup of Sprite on the table, he's right.

I leaned forward, taking the cup in my hand I looked to see how much was left. Less than half. I glanced at my brother, his eyes glued to the tv, completely unaware of my actions. Smirking I threw the left over contents in his face.

I am an asshole.


I was only able to stand up by the time his fist hit me square in the jaw, sending me to the floor.

But he was an asshole too, it's like a trait almost.

He hit me once again in the gut and I kicked him in the stomach. He went flying backwards and his back hit the floor. Hard, judging from the sound of the thud, very hard.

Jumping up I ran down the hall, Eridan soon stood up and gave chase. He soon started to throw random house items at the back of my head, always missing. He never had a very good aim. Snatching a small box, that probably held something of little value, from its resting place I tossed it over my shoulder. Hitting Eridan in the face, causing him to drop to his knees in pain.

Taking the opportunity, I ran around the corner and up the stairs, locking myself in my room.

Eridan's POV


I slowly stood up and strolled over to my room, holding my face in pain. Walking inside I quickly began to undress, the Sprite ruined my perfectly clean outfit and hair. Sighing, I plucked a towel from my dresser and trudged into my bathroom.

Turning on the water, I placed my glasses on the corner of the sink. Adjusting the cold and hot, I stepped inside. The warm water instantly soothed my tense muscles as it cascaded down my body.

Grabbing the shampoo I first lathered my hair, hopefully eradicating any remaining soda. Rising out the shampoo I smother my hair with conditioner. Using my loofa I scrubbed down my body, the soda seeped through my shirt; making my chest sticky from the corn syrup. After scrubbing myself down I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. Shutting off the water I grabbed my towel and stepped into my bed room.

Great, I need to pick a whole new outfit.

I sighed as I rummaged through my dresser; finally deciding on black long sleeve dress shirt, a thin violet sweater, and black and violet stripped pants(A/N: you know those pants ! 0 !). I dried off my hair and hanged my towel up to dry.

I heard a knock on the door, rushing down I yelled 'I'm coming!' as they kept knocking furiously. I swung the door open to reveal Sollux and Mituna.

I smirked, "Hey sol."

"Thup fuckwad, hope your ready. Let'th go."

I hold up a finger, "One moment,". I turned around, "CRONUS ITS TIME TO GO YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!"

I held back my laughter as Cronus came out of the closet. I couldn't help it, I started laughing.

I saw sol look at me funny but who cares?

It's even more funny because Cronus has came out to our dad about his preference of men. He's not gay, he's pansexual, he just likes to date guys more than girls. However, his one night stands usually tend to be with women. I don't really care as long as he doesn't come home with AIDS or some shit.

"Let's go then." Cronus said as he strode out the door.

I smiled, shaking my head as I walked out; locking the door behind me.

Sorry it took so long to update! Eridan is bi in this story and Cronus is pan(who likes dick n butt ;>).

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