night changes a zouis stroy part5

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Zayn pov

I woke up to the phone I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was AJ McClain

Zayn yo what's up AJ man

AJ hay Zayn what's up me and the guys are in London and we wanted to meet up with you guys and the new kids on the block are with us we want to talk to you guys about something in your management are managements with us and those with them we were thinking about doing a great thing to you know three of the biggest world boy dance that sheetrock one's means generation

Zayn sounds cool so when are we going to meet up and talk about this

AJ I'm going to meet up over at your management office in about an hour see you then mate

Zayn me and the boys will be there I'll give them a call and if happiness there going to be world why Asteria anyways are we still getting together for that holiday that Nick got planned

Aj yes because you and Louis need to lose up and fine someone to fill the hold left in your heart

Zayn about that me and Louis are dating each other not because we're both bisexual and we both had feelings with each other since the X Factor just didn't want to ruin our friendships and then we end up meeting the girls and we had great relationships with them with them I love them so now I try to help each other you know get through all this we are now together

Aj wow that just like how Harry and Niall got together funny well see you boys in about a hour man

Zayn see you then

I got of the phone and woke Louis up

Zayn baby we have a meeting with Simon in a hour and the Backstreet Boys and new kids on the block are going to be there something about all three of us going on tour together and we were only joking about that last night how ironic is that

Louis yeah that is funny I'll get up and shower and get ready we done it cuz I could tell that you already showered and stuff so be right behind you baby

Zayn you better get your but in gear because you know how Simon can be when it comes to be on time for a meeting

Louis ya left get a move on then if we are going because I don't like it when Simon mad

With that we left to meet up with Simon and the other boys here in one direction and the back street. Boys and new kids on the block once we got there we were the first ones to arrive that is everyone in one direction 2 minutes after the Backstreet Boys and you get down the block up there so we're all on time

Simon good me and the bsb where taking and the new kids on the block as well so we were thinking maybe it'd be cool for one direction and them to tour together it's going to be an massive or no we know that the Backstreet Boys are no longer with Jive so because of this they don't have the backing of a record label to sign their individual one that they have there in India before something this massive you're going to need a record label to back you so we were talking about this and I'm going to sign them to psycho because they still got it and New kids are in the same boat so im going to sign them too and this is going to be a massive world tour and you're going to have 5 seconds of summer opening up for you guys and if three of you groups around me the main act this is going to be awesome

Nick you can say that I mean three different generations of boy bands that's going to really bring the house down hopefully a minutes I got to take this phone call to my wife

Aj yeah you go take that phone call because she is pregnant man you don't know what's going to happen

Nick ya your right about that one

So nick went to take his phone call because it was his wife Lauren and she will call him during work for no reason at all then you can you make the hit the book it because she was back at the hotel and her water just broke the rest of the boys said well baby there after the meaning and told him want to hunt down before it's too late they told him so he left in a hurry

Niall well I hope that everything goes okay was born in the baby because she 2 months early

Howie yes she is 2 months early that's why he took off in such a hurry and you able to get this meeting on the road so we can get there are from so what do you need us to sign any forms or anything like that

Simon here you go and you can take these papers with you nick to sign when you get the chance because right now I think his wife giving birth is number one priority anyway after that's all taken care of and everything's okay give me a call and we'll take care of the final details as of right now both boy band's new kids on the block and Backstreet Boys are in an out on my record label and you will be touring with one direction that is going to be a massive tour and I can't wait to see where this goes

Harry massive is an understatement I mean it's going to be three of the biggest boy bands in the world and to think we actually get to tour with the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block I mean they were like our idols when we were younger well I don't know about the other labs but I kind of like them besides the boy band is ins on the rock bands I like yeah I like all genres of music so sue me

Howie yeah that'd be pretty lame thing to sue you about don't you think

Zayn that would be funny to see haz mate

Harry funny

Aj well we need to get to the hospital for one more and give birth to her baby see you guys later will talk to you about a final details after

With that the that's your boys and he was on a black left to go to make sure everything was okay with nick wife hard to believe that he got married and now he having a kid with her he come along way from not going to get to getting married and have a kid

Zayn simon me and Louis are now with each other

Simon OK all have it that you come out on your own terms about it I mean the fans know your bisexual

And with that we left this tour is going to be massive and we're trying to figure out what we're going to call the tour it seems like everything changes like a thief in the night goes pretty quick but it's going to be so fun what's that when I got home I want to lie down because I needed to think so much has changed but I wanted trading with Louis for the world I guess that's why the night keeps changing I guess that's why I wrote my changes what Louis we still have a long way to go everything keeps changing don't it with S I fell asleep with Louis right beside me

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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