Rightful Place

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       There is nothing worse than a jealous person... especially a jealous woman. I learned that today after Fiona spotted me and William laughing about something written in the morning newspaper. Her face lines broke into very sharp and unwelcoming ones, and the traces of the kind and sweet face of hers were all gone. She stormed inside his office and with a loud exhale he followed.
Now it was the third hour of their fight and she still had a voice to scream. And I thought that Fred was overreacting. I was trying to do my work, but the loud noises were distracting me.
Luckily, my lunch break came and I went to atrium of the Ministry of Magic. I wasn't hungry due to the fact that my stomach was formed into a tight ball from all the nerves and screams I had to deal with this morning.
I was standing in front of the statue, which was replacing the old golden fountain, and somehow felt pressured. The atrium was a very dark and cold place which I didn't like at all. It had a very long hall with a highly polished, dark wood floor. The peacock-blue ceiling was inlaid with gleaming golden symbols that were continually moving and changing. The walls on each side were paneled in shiny dark wood and had many gilded fireplaces set into them. These fireplaces were like the teleports from which wizards or witches could come in the Ministry of Magic. It was usually a dark place, but ever since Voldemort returned it got even darker. And that was due to the statue my eyes couldn't look away from. It was a gigantic size of stone... and it scared me . It represented a witch and wizard sitting on ornately carved thrones. Engraved in food-high letters at the base of the statue were the words "MAGIC IS MIGHT"... but that wasn't what frightened me. It was that the decoratively carved thrones were actually mounts of carved humans, hundreds and hundreds of men, women, and children, all faces showing pain and agony, twisted and pressed together to support the weight of the handsomely robed wizards. It showed the dominance of the wizards over muggles.
I got so lost into acknowledging the statue and its meaning that I didn't feel when someone was standing next to me. Turning my face to the side my eyes widened, but I remained quiet.
"It's funny isn't it?" Fiona asked as she moved her glance away from me and to the statue. An evil smile danced on her lips and from fear I moved my eyes from her and back to the statue. "Even thou you know your rightful place, you're still here." She finished her sentence when she saw I didn't say anything. Her words were poisonous and sharp as knife. Despite the fact that I didn't move or show any emotion she let out a laugh and walked away leaving me gazing down at "my rightful place".
After my lunch break I returned to my desk, but Will never came out of his office, not even when workday was done. On my way home I was over thinking everything that happened today, so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice when I reached home. To my big surprise entering the living room I saw a familiar ginger hair and a very warm laugh.
"Fred?" Hearing his name he stopped laughing and turned around to meet me with a huge smile on his face.
"Hello, love." He stood up and came to give me a peck on the lips. The way his arms were wrapped around my waist made me want to just relax and let him carry me, but I knew that my parents were there.
During the dinner everything was great chatting and laughing pretending as if nothing was troubling us, but the moment we got upstairs and closed the door of my room behind our backs, he spoke seriously.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I answered carelessly, while I was getting ready for bed.
"You're lying, Daniels." I didn't reply and I hoped that we could just go to bed without any discussions.
"Will you tell me?" His voice hit my back and I felt bad for pushing him away like that, yet I didn't turn around.
"Do you think low of me?" I tightly held my pillow. "Because I am a muggle?" My eyes scanned the dark room, hoping I will find some light in it... light of hope.
"What?" He asked sharply, so I repeated myself. "Where did that came from? Why would I?" Fred somehow spoke loudly, probably because of the fact that he was surprised from my question.
"Well... will you answer me?" I was getting nervous. His hand found its way to my shoulder to turn me around so I could face him, and when he was sure I was looking him in the eyes he spoke.
"I don't know who told you that or gave you that idea, but I thought you knew me better." Realizing that I offended him I broke into tears and explained about the situation I was in today.
"Hm?" I wiped away the tears in my pillow and looked back at him and then his strong arms pulled me in for a hug.
"Your rightful place is beside me, I don't care what blood you are... I know that I love you and that's all that matters." His words were serious and bold, but at the same time kind and warm. I felt how my whole body relaxed and slowly my eyes closed and drifted off to sleep.   

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