I Was Jealous

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••Johnson's POV•

**1 Month Later**

"You haven't seen her in a week what happened?" Gilinsky asked
"Nothing." I shrugged
"Jack." He said sternly I sighed and looked at him
"We had a fight." I frowned
"And what happened exactly?" He asked
"I fucked up, just like I always do." I said to him as I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.


"Jack you're over exaggerating." Alex said rolling her eyes
"So that new guy didn't kiss you?" I spat
"No he didn't!" She yelled
"I barely know him, you think I'd actually let him kiss me when I have a boyfriend?" She asked
"I saw it Alex!" I yelled

"I saw when he dropped you off, he kissed you." I frowned
"No he didn't!" She yelled
"You don't even trust me." She scoffed
"He tried! Tried! To kiss my cheek but I backed away, nothing happened I would never cheat on you I thought I had made that clear!" She yelled frustrated

"Alex." I sighed she shook her head
"It's nice to know that my boyfriend trusts me." She said sarcastically
"Bye Jack." She spat pushing past me and walking away

~~End Of Flashback~~

"You really think she would cheat?" Gilinsky scoffed
"I don't, I just thought he had kissed her and she hid it from me." I defended
"Everyone knows she would never cheat." He said punching my shoulder
"I know." I sighed rubbing it
"I just got jealous." I said looking down in shame
"Well you shouldn't have, she's proved many times that she loves you and only you." He said

"Ok! I get it! But she won't talk to me." I frowned
"Can you blame her?" He asked
"No." I mumbled
"Have you done anything besides text and call her?" He asked I shook my head
"Oh Jack." He shook his head
"What? I just don't know what to do." I frowned
"Go talk to her, not just threw the phone." He said sternly

"Fine." I huffed standing up
"And you're not coming back till she forgives you." He said
"It's my house!" I groaned he shrugged
"Ok." I said walking out the house. I sighed and walked over to hers. I knocked and waited for them to open
"Hey Jack." Daniel said opening the door
"Hey is Alex home?" I asked
"Yea she's in her room but she's asleep." He said

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