Chapter Four

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When Judith stepped out of the shower, she was thankful that Fred had decided to remain true to his word and not barge in. She quickly got dressed while allowing her hair to dry wrapped up in a towel. Stepping out, she found Fred walking down the hallway of her flat, looking at all the photos she had up.

"Family?" he asked pointing to the people in the photograph.

"No, the photo actually came with the picture frame." she answered as she walked over.

Fred looked to her with a grin. "Oooh, so you have a sense of humor?"

"I try. Actually, those are my grandparents and that's my older brother, Nathaniel."

"I recognize him...Ravenclaw?"

"Yeah, he was two years above ours." 

"I definitely remember him, always had this serious look on his face, like this..."

Fred's face mocked her brother's normally stern look making Judith chuckle.

"Okay, I'll admit that's pretty accurate but don't make fun of my brother. Only I'm allowed to do that, it's one of my privileges of being the younger sister."

"Fine. Nice hat by the way."

Judith went to question what Fred was talking about, until she realized she had left the towel on her head.

"Oh." she pulled it off. "Hush."

Pulling on her boots, Judith grabbed her bag and stood by the front door.

"Finally, we're going to work." Fred said.

"I'm sorry, but did you say we?"


"Ooooh no! You are not going with me to work!"

"Why not!?"

"Because...I said so." Judith argued.

"Well, I don't want to stay around here. No offense but your flat is dreadfully boring, have you thought of adding some color to this place?"

"Did you become an interior decorator when you crossed over? I'm sorry my flat is not up to your standards but decorating is not a priority in my life."

She threw the bag over her shoulder and opened the door. 

"I'm going to work. I'll...see you later, I guess." she said over her shoulder to Fred before leaving.

Fred was left alone in the living room area, glancing around. 

"I'm not saying you have to go crazy, but some color would be nice." he muttered to himself.

Judith entered the tea shop, letting the small bell ring, alerting Alma who appeared from the backroom.

"Hey, you're late." Alma said surprised, normally Judith was always on time.

"I know...I just got caught up with things at home."

"Oh, is it your grandparents? Are they alright?"

"No," Judith shook her head, " it's not my grandparents. They're fine. I into someone I haven't seen in awhile and was just weird. That's all."

"I know how you feel, Judy. I feel the same exact way whenever I run into one of my exes in the streets. It's always so awkward because they show up in the oddest places."

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now