Chapter 3

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(One week later)

I woke up at around four in the morning, to see Jeff was in my bed. He had one arm around my waist, and the other under his pillow.

Was it odd to say he looked peaceful while he slept?

I felt weird when he touched me. And I felt really uncomfortable at this moment. We've slept in the same before, but tonight was the first time he had don't this. I tried to move, but his grip just got tighter. I decided to just lay with him. Around 7 am, I heard Jeff moving.

"Jeff?" I whispered. "You awake yet?"


Then Jeff's hand moved from my waist. I felt him sit up in bed. I turned to face him. "Morning." He yawned.

I stood up, and walked to the door. "I'm going to go see if Steven has gone to work yet." My mother haven't come home yet. I just figured she'd gone back to old habits. "Steven? You home?" I walked through the house, to absolute silence. I walked outside to see his car was there, and it wasn't.

"Jeff." I walked back in the house the see Jeff was already on the sofa. "Want some cereal?" I tied my thick, brown hair into a bun, because I was too lazy to go back upstairs to brush it. I grabbed two bowls, poured some frosted flakes and milk, then walked to the living room handing Jeff a bowl.

"Are you going to school today?" Jeff asked, before eating.

I sighed. "Nah, I got up too late."


It seemed like something was bothering Jeff. Should I ask him about it? Why should I care? I sighed, walking into the kitchen, and setting my empty bowl in the sink, before washing it.

When I was done I feed Toby, and walked upstairs to shower. After the shower, I walked to my room, to get dressed. I was greeted by a short blonde guy, with green clothing.

"W-Who are y-you?" I stuttered, holding griping my towel.

"Whoa, Jeff never told me you were hot."

"Wha?" I was confused. Who was this man? Why was he here? Right then Jeff walked in, casually brushing past me. I was still soaked, water dripping from my long brown hair. Under my towel, I was completely naked.

"Ben what are you doing here?" Jeff sighed, facing the man that looked as if he belonged in an old video game.

The small man, directed his attention towards me, and winked. "Jeff, why don't you ask your friend here, if I can borrow the towel she's wearing it the moment."

"Ugh..." I awkwardly stepped in. "Not to get in the way of your WONDERFUL conversation, but I would love to have my room to myself, so I can get dressed." I gestured them to my room door.

"You can still get dressed, if I'm here." And on that note Jeff almost dragged Ben out the door, and slammed it shut.

I sighed, a sigh of relief. I walked to my draws, and pulled out a pair of black pair of skinny jeans, and a loose, red shirt that said 'Fuck You' In bold, black letters. I dressed myself, then shoved on my black high-tops. I ran a brush through my wet hair, and walked down stairs. I soon came to realize no one was here, but me and Toby. I went back upstairs, and blow dried my hair, then put some eyeliner, and lip-gloss on.

After that I decided to take Toby for a walk. I decided to walk to the old play ground, that wasn't far from the woods. No one really went there anymore, excepting some drug addicts, but that was only at night, It was safe during the day. I walked to the old rusty swing set, and sat, slowly rocking myself on the swings. Toby lay on the ground by my feet. I plugged in my headphones. I put my music on blast, and just listened.

I must have been there awhile, because before I knew it, the sun was coming down. I brush of fear swept over me. I quickly got up. I put my music away, and started to walk home. I felt a hand grab my wrist. I scream escaped my lips, before a hand covered my mouth. I secretly hoped it was Jeff trying to scare me. I knew what could happen out here, and tears flooded from my eyes. I looked down to see Toby on the floor, passed out. I was turned around roughly to meet some cold blue eyes. There was tall man holding me tightly. He pushed me against the picnic table. I soon noticed two other men behind him, laughing evilly. The two men held me back as the man felt around my body; I struggled to free myself, but stopped in my tracks, when I felt something cold and hard being pressed against my head. I whimpered, as the first man started to pull up my shirt, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. Trying to force entrance into my mouth he bit my lip, trying to force it open. His cold hands felt up my shirt, and I knew what was going to happen.

But then it all stopped.

The man fell to the ground. Before I even realized what had happened, the other two men were on the floor.


Puddles of blood surrounded all three bodies. My vision was blurred, from my tears, but I could make out a man in a white bloody hoodie, and dress pants. I ran to him and hugged him. I cried into his shoulder. He slowly wrapped his arms around me, almost like he didn't know how to hold a girl. After a few minutes, I pulled away from Jeff, and wiped away my tears. I ran to Toby, who was unconscious, yet still breathing. I picked him up, and began to walk home with Jeff.

Me and Jeff parted ways at the front door, and I walked inside. Steven was already passed out drunk on the couch. I ignored his snoring, and walked upstairs to my room. I set Toby on my bed, Then I went to the bathroom.

God, I'm a mess. My makeup is everywhere. I cleaned it all off and walked back to my room, where Jeff sat on my bed, staring at the wall. "Jeff..." I didn't know what to say. Why would a killer save me? Why would he care? How do you thank someone for saving you from, what had just happened? "Thank you." I whispered.

He simply nodded, and pulled me into his arms; I did nothing in protest, as he brushed his hand over my hair. I soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


I opened my eyes the next morning, to see Jeff with his arms around my waist, sleeping. I carefully removed his arms, and got my clothes, to get dressed.

I threw on a black t-shirt, jean shorts, my high-tops, and a black beanie. After I feed, and let Toby out, I applied my eyeliner, and lip-gloss, and picked my book bag and cell phone before leaving.

My mind couldn't help but flutter back to last night. Why did Jeff save me? Why did he comfort me when I ran to him? Why did he pull me into his arms last night, and let me fall asleep in his arms? Why would a killer care for me, when my own family doesn't?


That word. That word makes me want to lash out. The only family I've ever actually had is Noah. He's like my big brother, in a way? He's always been there.

But now he's slipping away.

NO! He can't leave me!

"Irony, are you crying?" I heard his soft, sweet voice next to me.

I wiped the tears away, and pulled off a fake smile. "I'm alright."

>So yea, the story is sorta coming together.

There will be more about Ironys family.

Well anyways, thanks for reading! Please comment, it does a lot for my self-esteem!


The Irony of it all (Jeff the killer) (In edit)Where stories live. Discover now