Chapter 5

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The waiter grabbed my wrist and started to pull me towards a back room. If I was going to die it was NOT going to be like this! I started to drag my feet and scratch at his hand with my free one. He didn't even flinch.

I finally had enough and shifted. Goodbye random person's clothes, hello freedom! The man looked at me shocked at what I had just done. I took his confusion as an advantage and ran.

"Get back here!" I heard the man say, "You will never be free! The Blood Moon pack will hunt you down!" I was gone.

Blood Moon pack? Where had I heard that name before? I thought it was the pack I was hunting in. I sure did hope so, the last thing I needed was for another pack wanting to kill me.

When I had gotten far away from the chicken place I headed into the woods, shifted and put on a fresh change of clothes. After I did that I went to the town hall. I needed to know where I was.

Once I got there and I went in I noticed there was a big map in the main hallway with a big red pin that read You Are Here! It was near the border between Canada and Alaska. Canada? I thought, how did I get here? When I was little I lived in Colorado, with my parents. But now I was in Canada.

I looked at the map and started to kind of recognize the terrain. I guess I had moved to Canada after moving in with Sparrow. Funny thing was I don't remember walking that far.

I needed to get back to Sparrow as soon as possible. It looked like the tree house was west? Maybe? If not, I had always wanted to see Alaska!

. . .

I had gone the freakin wrong way. Instead of a furious Sparrow I had a stupid sign that read, Welcome to Alaska. Well maybe this wasn't the worst thing ever.

Like I had said before, I had always wanted to go to Alaska, even if it was just for a moment. Just as I stepped over the line I heard a voice. A whisper at first, then it got louder, and louder. Till I finally heard it.

Wow is it good to be heard again!

I knew that voice, from somewhere. Somewhere from the past, if only I knew where...

Hello? Are you even listening to me? The voice said.

Who are you? I asked it.

Who am I? You don't remember me do you? It said

No, I feel like I should know you but I can't remember. I said.

Well it has been a long time, the voice said, I guess I will have to reintroduce myself. I am Scarlet, your inner cat.

My inner what now?

Your inner cat. You take my form whenever you change.

I did remember her. She was always there when I was little, just softer. But when my parents died, she disappeared as well. Where have you been all this time? I asked kind of mad.

I felt her shrug and then she said, I never left, I was just turned onto mute, but now I am back! Thanks to you and the homelands!

What do you mean homelands? I questioned.

Alaska is were the first werecat ever lived. The first werecat was born here! Now it has made my power strong enough to unmute myself.

Okay... What will happen once I leave Alaska?

Who knows?

Well I want to. I then stepped out of Alaska to find out the truth.


Hullo all and I hope you enjoyed Chapter 5. I always appreciate likes and comments!

Also do guys you like the new cover? I could change it back if you guys don't!

Thanks for reading!

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