My Secret Life (boyxboy)

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Daniel's POV

"Hey Noah" I greeted my best friend as I walked up to my locker on Monday morning which happened to be next to his.

"Hey Danny, how was your weekend?" He asked shutting his locker and turning to me as I got out my books for first period.

"It was nice, I chilled with Kate on Saturday and just had a relaxing day at home yesterday, how about you, how was your weekend at the lake?" I asked trying to avoid his eyes as I searched my locker. He would know I was lying if he saw my guilty face and there is no way he can find out what I was doing yesterday.

"It was great, just a little boring. Wish you could have come with but my dad wanted it to be just the family so I guess I had to respect that." He said leaning against his locker and tapping his feet on the floor impatiently. If there was one thing Noah did not have, it was patience.

"Yeah totally, don't worry about it. Next time you and I will dedicate a weekend just to the lake, you, me and skinny dipping." I joked closing my locker and walking down the hall to my English class. Noah laughed as he followed me.

We entered English and sat together in our regular seats in the back. Noah was telling me about an up coming party that Tony Brooks will be hosting on Friday but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't go to the party on Friday and I needed to come up with a valid excuse for Noah or else he will make sure I joined him at the party instead of where I needed to be. What am I going to do? What excuse am I going to make? Noah is starting to get suspicious. Why do all these damn jocks have to have parties all the time and why does Noah insist he and I attend them? I guess it helps us keep up our popularity but my popularity in this school is the least important thing in my life. Not going to the party and being where I need to be on friday was very important for me. What do I do? What do I tell Noah? Maybe Thursday I can fake being sick and not attend school on Friday. But then Noah would come see me and he would know immediately I'm not sick. I could tell him dad said I have being partying a lot lately and I need to spend some time at home with him and mum. But then Noah would insist on convincing dad to let me go because dad loves him and always listens to him. Its helped me when ever I need to do something dad didn't approve of but I didn't even need it now. Dad doesn't mind that I party so much. Damn I need to come up with something soon.

"Danny are you listening to me?" Noah snapped me out of all the crazy scenarios I was coming up with, none of which would convince him. "Are you ready for some hardcore partying?"

"Yeah more then ready." I muttered defeated.

After school I couldn't hang out with Noah because he had tuition classes. He gave tuition to some juniors who were struggling with Math. But I didn't mind because I got to go to the mansion without having to worry about Noah finding out.

I made my way to the mansion and parked in the driveway before getting out of my car and walking to the front door. I rang the bell and waited. The door opened and I got the biggest smile possible on my face as I came face to face with the one person I exist for. My gorgeous, handsome, kind, caring, hot, sexy boyfriend. The love of my life. My Jack.

He pulled my into his arms and kissed me before I could even say hi. I kissed him back rapping my arms around him and seizing the moment. Jack was a secret no one could find out. No one could know I'm gay I have a boyfriend. Especially Noah. I just needed to come up with something by Friday to avoid the party because on Friday is Jacks birthday and I'm taking him on a date. Having a secret can be so exhausting I thought with a sigh as I melted in the kiss. But Jack was worth it.

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