Chapter 9

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Possession of WHAT?  The cop is telling me over and over again but I do not believe it. No, not Carnell, just because he has a record doesn’t mean that he did this.  He was obviously framed.  I walk out of the dorm and everyone is there, but the first person I see is Josh smiling at me

That little bitch

“Josh you fucking asshole I know you did this, I swear I’m gonna kill you”

I went to attack him and Tricia came and grabbed me, I just remember punching her in her mouth, after that I blanked out.  When I eventually did snap out of it I found myself in the main office with a bloody fist… dammit

The advisor called me into the office

“Do you know why you’re here Ms. Jackson?”

“No I don’t” I said sarcastically

“You brutally attacked Tricia Gayle, you’re lucky she didn’t press charges”

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t in my right state of mind”

“Sorry won’t fix this, you’re on probation for the next two months”


“That includes no performances and no parties.  Only school and work, that’s it”

“Man fuck this”

I stormed out of the office and locked myself in the dorm.  I opened Carnell’s laptop and started to listen to his songs.  Just then an idea popped in my head.


3 days later

Possession of marijuana?  I don’t even smoke.  This is some bullshit seriously.  They got me in this DAMN cell and my bail for $1000 I’m so pissed I swear when I find out who did this they’ll freaking die. 

The cop came and opened my cell.  When I came out I saw Nerita

“Lets go” she said

I followed her out and we took a cab back to the campus.  We didn’t say a word to each other until we got to the dorm.

“Are you okay Carnell?”



“Who did it?”


I got up and stormed out of the room like a mad man looking for Joshua

“Carnell STOP!” yelled Rita, but I didn’t care that nigga needed to be taught a lesson.  Rita ran in front of me and I stopped

“Move Rita”

“No Carnell I can’t let you do this”

“So you’re gonna let him get away with this? Whose side are you on Nerita?”

“Yours, but fucking him up won’t prove anything Carnell”

“That nigga got me locked up for no reason, give me one good reason I shouldn’t fuck him up Nerita”

She turns away and folds her arms

“Exactly, now I have business to handle”

I saw Joshua and Tricia with a swollen face sitting over in the cafeteria, I walked up to him and caught him one time in the jaw, the security guard grabbed me and I pushed him off of me, I tackled Josh and just started punching and I couldn’t stop. Next thing I know like every cop on campus was dragging me off of him.  They took me to the stupid advisor’s office

This is the bullshit I don’t like

No activities for 2 months straight.  Whatever I don’t care.  I’m over this shit.  I walked back to my room and Rita is sleeping on my bed.  I lie down next to her and drift off to sleep

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