Chapter 16

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I woke up the next day in Carnell’s arms.  The most safest place, well at least to me.  At first I was angry about him making me go to the police, but I’ve honestly never felt more liberated.  Its like a 100 pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  Just then there was a knock at the door. 

Ughh really?

It was a cop, I woke up Carnell and I went over to answer the door.

"Yes officer?"

"Hello Nerita right?"

"Yea thats me"

"Just informing you that both Joshua Brinson and Tricia Gayle have been taken into custody, they won’t be back here, you can be okay now"

I couldn’t believe what he was saying.  I just started to cry.  Carnell continued talking to the officer and minutes later he closed the door and walked back in the room.

"Why are you crying?"

"I’m just happy"

"So you’re crying?"

I can’t stand him lol

I smiled “Yes Carnell"

"I missed that smile… guess what?"


"Open mic at The Spot tonight"

"… Sounds amazing, I’ll go get ready"

I was slowly getting back to being my old self again, it felt amazing.  Carnell was amazing at open mic.  He sang one of his originals.  Just then I remembered… His show.  I had the perfect idea, I wanted to surprise him.

Nerita was back in business.


It was just days before Winter Vacation.  Exams were over, and everyone was packing to leave for the next 6 weeks.  Everyone except Carnell. 


"You know you can’t stay here right?"

"Yes Nerita I’m aware of that I’ll figure it out"

"Ughh alright… Well you should be excited 2 more days until your show"

"I know I’m nervous and excited at the same time"

"You’ll do amazing baby"

"Thanks love"

"The fliers are everywhere so everyone knows"

"I hope theres a good turn out, I really want this to be perfect"

"It will be don’t worry"

I gave him a kiss on the forehead and went back on my laptop to finish up a few things… Bingo

"Umm Rita I’m going down to the Registar office to validate my classes for next semester, I’ll be back in a few"

"Okay babe, see ya"

He left and I finally go the chance to finish up my plan.  I was soo nervous.  I picked up the phone and dialed the number.  It rang about 4 times, and I finally got an answer.

"Hello… Mrs. Breeding?"

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